Info Broker Profession in Cyberpunk 2090 | World Anvil
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Info Broker

The phrase “information wants to be free” is over a hundred years old. Some even call it cliché, particularly in an age when information can be hidden, can be manipulated, and can be changed. But the old Hackers of a hundred years ago, they had it right. Information wants to be free, and since the advent of digital information, it never goes away. This is where I come in; I can find the information no matter how deeply it’s hidden. No matter what doors they lock, no matter who they silence. I’ll find the real story. I’ll take any risk, and I’ll bring you the truth. Because information wants to be free… for a price.



Investigator or Hacker, Smarts d8+, Investigation d8+, Streetwise d8+

Payment & Reimbursement

7,000 Credits

Other Benefits

Information Brokers start the game with an extra 5,000 credits.
Alternative Names
The Nose, News Hound, Snoop, Gossip Gal, Meme Slinger, Pirate Blogger, Truth Doctor.


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