Ilohshrom Spell in Cyberfei | World Anvil


Ilohshrom (lit. "evil magic death"), or the Spell of Cleansing, is a spell used by Thin  to clean the air and stone of their underground homes.


This spell is a generic cleansing, whether that be of energy in the atmosphere or physical dirt and impurity. It uses a piece of the wielder's natural power and thus is largely used for smaller tasks such as dusting or purifying the underground air of the Thin's homes, but can be utilised for larger tasks such as removing a negative spell from the area or even cleansing nuclear fallout.

Side/Secondary Effects

When overused the spell will be tapping into the caster's natural reserve and therefore weakening them immensely. Side-effects of use can range from dizziness and fatigue to physical weakness, unconsciousness and even long-term sickness if the overuse is prolonged.


This spell, when cast, resembles an electrical pulse or small fireworks depending on the size and scope of the target. The energy released is a crackling gold which will travel and spark through the target, often said to resemble stars or sheet lightning through clouds. Onlookers may feel static in the air around them or notice a vibrating, humming feeling under their feet.
Material Components
Essentially, the ritual requires no material components aside from a target: stone. In most cases, manmade materials containing stone, e.g. concrete, may also be targeted.
Gestures & Ritual
To channel and cleanse, the magic wielder must first raise their hands, both palms facing the target of their spell. They must then focus their magic through their palms towards the target, feeling for the abnormality or foreign substances in the stone. Once found, they must draw their power inward again, compacting the energy into a tight 'ball' and speak the Sinithin word Ilohshrom with the intent of bursting that ball of power outward: combining it with the foreign substance and replacing it.   In some cases a stronger spell is needed, and in such cases it is encouraged for the wielder to come into direct contact with the target and infuse their magic directly.

Cover image: by created with Adobe Spark


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