Twilight Badlands Geographic Location in CyberDemons | World Anvil

Twilight Badlands

War, pollution, over-farming, neglect, and a dirty great hole in the ozone layer. The badlands is a desert of our own making. And yet, even here, plants thrive, new creatures grow, and life persists. It's only us that has the problem, only us as has to wear protective gear and hide from the sun, and struggle to survive in this hellhole we made from green fields and fertile lands. Well - huh - I reckon that's poetic justice, now isn't it?

  Jackson R. Verducci, Twilight Ranger

  The Twilight Badlands is the lands surrounding Twilight City .


The Twilight Badlands is not ill named. Temperatures can rise to 50 degrees during high noon in summer, as a large hole in the ozone layer is particularly bad over the badlands. The radiation requires special equipment to survive, and mid day dust storms are common, making masks a requirement.

Crops and water

  Like the other domed cities, Twilight City sources their power from the Astro-satellites (managed by the Astro-Panel Technicians ) . Some crops are grown in airponics and hydroponics basements throughout the city, but this still doesn't make a dent in what is required to feed the city.
  Farmers in the badlands are the unsung heroes of modern society. From water-intensive crops like rice, to space-intensive crops like fresh tree fruit, farmers are the ones who provide the necessities of life to Twilight City. Of course, farmers are part agriculturalist, part bio-technician. Always seeking to improve their crops, they have been modified for high yield, radiation tolerance, and occasionally, more exotic features, like bizarre coloration, bioluminescence, and unusual flavours. Most crops require shades during high noon, to prevent them from cooking in the midday sun. The squeaking of these roll-out contraptions, which double as solar panels that power themselves and the irrigation systems, is a common Summer sound between 11am-5pm in the badlands that has earned them the nickname Cicadas.

Drug Barons

In addition to farmers focussing on food wares, there are at least several drug barons - no one in law enforcement knows exactly how many - who specialise in "pharmaceutical horticulture". From traditional fare, like weed, to designer drugs and the latest craze, drug barons build their empires from the fashion and addiction of the wealthy and despearate of twilight city alike.

The Luddites

In addition to farmers and drug barons, another set of horticultural groups live here. Called by outsides The Luddites, and by themselves, Preppers, these communities are dedicated to survival through the apocalypse. Externally, and in front of law enforcement they are carefully atheist (although there are copious rumours) but whatever their diverse beliefs, one thing is certain for them - the apocalypse is coming for Twilight City and its ilk. Only the prepared will survive.

Law Enforcement

Twilight Rangers are charged with keeping order in the badlands surrounding Twilight City. Whilst they are protrayed as bold lone rangers, and sheriffs beyond the boundaries of the dome, recent rumour suggests that some are in the pay of the Drug Barons, assisting with the import of illegal substances.
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