The Field of Stars Geographic Location in Zilithel | World Anvil

The Field of Stars

The Field of Stars is rumored to be the battleground of the Gods. It is believed that the veil between the material realm and other realms fade away to the point of complete disappearance. Scholars have tried to settle near these plains in order to observe and document this phenomenon. Usually they are met by the forces that gather here to battle. Other times they driven away either by the land itself. Creatures from across the realms pass through in the material plane and try to reside and thrive. Though they are usually dealt with quickly by local adventurers or by planar entitles restricting what leaves the Field of Stars.


It is a plain with patches of dry dirt and grass. On occasion the geography is temporarily shifted by whatever force is the most prominent at the time such as the Astral plane, giving the sky a more celestial appearance.


Nothing of the Material Plane can reside in this environment for long. Most denizens that aren't from the Material Plane that try to reside here are driven off just as quickly.

Ecosystem Cycles

Massive changes to the ecosystem change based on the never ending war between forces among the planes. Be that Angels versus Demons or two warring Material Plane armies.

Localized Phenomena

The veil between the planes is almost nonexistent. It is a desirable spot to open planar gates for summoning as it offers the least resistance. During full moons you can fully see into the Astral plane and it envelopes the local sky.

Fauna & Flora

Scholars and adventures who need require exotic flora and fauna try to use the shifting ecosystem to circumvent expensive and dangerous trips into the planes they natively grow.


Scholars heavily debate the origins of the Filed of Stars as some believe it is the origin of all creation. Others would debate if it was created by the gods in order to preserve cosmic balance and protect the material plane from destructive forces who'd use the plane as a battlefield.


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