Tir Gwastraff wedi'i losgi Geographic Location in custom Void Walkers | World Anvil
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Tir Gwastraff wedi'i losgi

Part of the Dryad Union

A long-empty tomb world part of the Dryad Union's core worlds and now mined for raw resources. Known as 'A Burned Wasteland'   Tir Gwastraff wedi'i losgi -
Mining world. Population 70k   Rich in raw resources, Tir’s materials have proven surprisingly easy to gather. Digging deeper just reveals more and richer resources, all in pure or nearly pure states.   The high proportion of once-radioactive dust covering the area and the clear evidence of ancient srtuctures, including the bones of a fully functional space elevator, mark the planet out as one that held life in ancient times until its very violent end.   The space elevator is due for a xenoaercheology project of considerable scale, currently still being prepared.
Owning Organization


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