Kuisraki Tribefleet in custom Void Walkers | World Anvil
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Kuisraki Tribefleet

Fleet Composition

  Director-Ship Rui-Taze
    leading caste - Engine-Tenders
    apparent leader - Zirori Lisrakily Lisasila Skr-Vrin Engine-Tender Harpyfriend (NB)
    A freshly built harpy prizeliner, optimised and remodelled in its original shipyard for Rinni crews and carrying a wide variety of sensor and FTL scanning technology, effectively a customised deep-space survey vessel. Also contains a secondary life support network for a terran-scale sterile diplomatic quarter. After the last director-ship finally fell out of repairable state even for Rinni, the legendary pilgrim Zirori used their connections among the harpy Presidil warband to have a replacement commissioned at reduced (but still exorbitant) expense. The Rui-Taze is a symbol of friendship between warband and tribe, and is gradually repaying its price tag by sending Presidil fresh survey data.
  Scouting Scavenger-Ship Zakyrh
    leading caste - Metal-Hunters
    apparent leader - Skarh Lisykyrh Lisykiri Engine-Tender (M)
    A small bulk cargo freighter of terran design, thought to originally come from Shanti province, bought up for its scrap value by the Kuisraki tribe and painstakingly refitted for FTL travel efficiency. while barely capable of equipping and supplying itself long-term, the craftsrats of the Zakyrh are proud and dedicated scavengers, surveyors, scrap merchants and diplomats who often take the first FTL jump for the fleet and arrange for their tribe's safe arrival. Enough spare engineering components are kept inside the ship's scant stores that they have sometimes been accused of hoarding, and the fallout of such accusations have broken families and sullied promising careers.
  Nest-Ships RHive and RHiqe
    leading caste - Tribe-Seekers
    apparent leader - Qala Lisdigea Liszili Tribe-Seeker (F)
    Twinned vessels of Terran origin, once navy frigates of Azar Province that had suffered catastrophic damage and been abandoned during the First Arken-Terran War. It was the repair and commissioning of these vessels that led to the creation of Kuisraki from its parent tribe many years ago, granting the new tribe countless nests and raw resources to call their own and begin a new story. The twins have been stripped of all main weapons and their magazines now overflow with homes, workshops, markets and some of the most decorated shrines the tribe has to offer. The CIC of the RHive contains the formal log of the tribefleet's endless journey, a sacred and hallowed space filled with artful depictions of the ship's Terran service and painstaking repair. The RHiqe meanwhile is the cultural heart of the tribe and overflows with workshops and guilds - for beauty's sake but also as a steady supply of trade goods for their families among the Metal-Hunters to make use of.
  Trading Scavenger-Ship Vydi-Ny
    leading caste - Metal-Hunters
    apparent leader - Davi Lisrhys Lissiobahn Metal-Hunter Terranborn (M)
    A commercial short-haul container ship of Rupeean design, retaken from pirates by the Typi and refurbished rather than seeking out its original owner. As a trade vessel and unofficial liaison, the ship interacts with other species frequently and handles the bulk of honest trade the Kuisraki perform. With the ship came its de-facto captain Davi, a captive Rinni originally raised as a pet and later a surrogate child by a xenophilic Terran couple. Davi's familiarity with Terran language and customs has made him a capable and reliable trader, and has been jokingly called "skipper" by the rest of the Vydi-Ny's community. One of the few Rinni ships openly welcomed into port by common Terran authorities along the trailward borders.
  Harvest Scavenger-Ship Qarhy
    leading caste - Metal-Hunters
    apparent leader - RHeles Lisolaw Lismuundi Tribe-Seeker Skr-Vrin (NB)
    A Rupeean salvage and emergency response craft first built to mirror the military doctrine of Oasis (support) craft, purchased for scrap value by the influential clan of Kuraas and offered freely to the tribefleet following a successful joint venture. The slowest ship in the tribe's inventory and with a reputation for enthusiastic efficiency that borders on piracy, the comparatively stubby Qarhy is laden with grav tractors and industrial lances capable of skeletonising a freighter with terrifying efficiency. The easy-going and wise RHeles was once a librarian on Rupee Quay, a past they speak little of but has granted them a terrifyingly accurate knowledge of ship classification and salvage rights as well as friends in undisclosed places. Rumour has it they have a contact in high places who trades inside information for crates of rare beverages.
  Harvest Scavenger-Ship Niatrh-Win
    leading caste - Tribe-Seekers
    apparent leader - Gin Lissartoria Skr-Vrin Godless (F)
    A vessel so old that its place of origin has faded into myth, this fast and self-sufficient mining vessel is around a millennium old and its frames are somehow still holding together. As much a ramshackle flying cathedral as a resource collector, the off-white hull of the Niatrh-Win has formed the founding of over 20 new tribefleets and is pledged to appear in countless more once the Kuisraki can pass it on. Guildsrats of the ship's community are a priesthood pledged to the countless overlapping shrines of their home, which makes their choice of the abrasive and often reclusive atheist Gin as leader all the more baffling. Some whisper that their true aim is to convert her, or to heal some old wound that gnaws at her mind even now.
  Forge-Ship Kawdi
    leading caste - Metal-Hunters
    apparent leader - Alexis Lislyziw Lislywkiri Metal-Hunter (M)
    Recovered from the site of a skirmish between Sestian and Terran forces near Polaris Province, the blown-out remains of a Kitsune medium cruiser and an early Forgeyard were stitched together to form a mobile drydock of exceptional age and inconsistent performance. Rather than try to repair the battle damage that cored the original cruiser, the Rinni chose to fit a sprawling mass of industry and shipbuilding infrastructure into the gaping wound, sprouting like a parasite run rampant. The Kawdi is the largest vessel in the tribefleet and despite its specialisation as a mobile dockyard, a struggling wreck that stretches the ability of even the Rinni to keep operating. The guildsrats living aboard are ruthlessly frugal and among the first to grumble about wastes of resources, but selfless in their commitment to make sure the forge-ship's yards and makeshift foundries run at the pace the tribe requires to continue their journey. Still there remains a growing worry that the Kawdi's journey will end someday soon.
  Guard-Ship Tyqi
    leading caste - Lock-Guardians
    apparent leader - Siqyky Lisbelisaria Listalivy Lock-Guardian (F)
    A thoroughly beaten-down and ragged warship of the type that preceded the Commonwealth's Main Battle Torchships. While most of the tribefleet struggles to find the room and resources to mount weapons worth mentioning, the Tyqi has remained a thoroughbred combat vessel and benefited from the merging and adapting of technologies that define Rinni engineering. Surprisingly fast and carrying a mix of missile, coilgun, plasma and concerningly complex electronic warfare matrices based as much on epidemiological principles as conventional hacking. The Tyqi is the bane of small pirate raiders and has won the confidence of several Harpy warbands through honour duels, one of them culminating in a ramming action that shaved off the tip of one of its radiators, a battle scar that is worn with pride by the easygoing warrior society within.


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