Cor'y'meirw Geographic Location in custom Void Walkers | World Anvil
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Part of the Dryad Union

An artificial moon of Coeden'y Cyfnodau, both a garden world and a vast tomb. Known as the 'Choir of the Dead'   Cor'y'meirw -
Garden world. Population 3M   first caused by a catastrophic terraforming accident, killing 6 million. Now a miniature garden world orbiting Coeden'y Cyfnodau, maintained in part as a mortal paradise and in part to honour and remember the souls trapped in the substance of the 'moon'. Much of the population consider Cor'y'meirw worthy of worship.   Orbital space above the moon is given over to a secondary nursery, specialised for the care of retired and ageing ships.
Planetoid / Moon
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species


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