Cartref Llawen Geographic Location in custom Void Walkers | World Anvil
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Cartref Llawen

Part of the Dryad Union

An unspoiled oceanic world, settled and maintained by the Dryad Union. Now known as 'A Joyous Home'   Cartref Llawen -
Oceanic world. Population 1M   Largely kept unspoiled, as the planet’s beauty was considered of greater worth than any mundane resource extraction. Deep ocean exploration has been infrequent and found to be quite difficult.   The name had been changing between several candidates for a while, due to the lack of suitably evocative language regarding the world. However with the arrival of the Void Walker and principal agent in their diplomatic success, Everjoy, a name was finally settled on to honour her.   Large animals have been noted in the water, up to and exceeding Leviathan classification. A number of incidents involving krakens carrying or containing magma have been reported of late.
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species


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