Astorb Geographic Location in custom Void Walkers | World Anvil
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A backwater system in the Tiatholon Province, generally inconsequential for anyone but a (now demolished) nest of smugglers.   With low population, an out of the way location and very little modern industry, Astorb's principal planet (also called Astorb) has little to offer Terrans but its scenery. A modest but steady tourism trade has since been throttled by wartime measures and the threat of Coalition navy assets, leaving the system to more or less fend for itself.   Astorb is a geologically active oceanic world, with scattered archipelagos and small continental islands breaking up vast oceans. The surfaces of the oceans (and nearly all standing water on the planet) are coated with rust-red algae that forms miles-long unbroken sheets. The planetary ecology is ordered based on proximity to the algae, with herbivorous fish and amphibians subsisting on and hiding amongst the sheets while predators stalk the island interiors, glide through ink-black waters and soar overhead.   The tree analogue on Astorb grows in the mineral-rich ashen soils on volcanic islands. The trees appear petrified or even fossilised at first, being bare, spindly and encased in a stony exoskeleton. The leaf matter is actually contained in spiracles and lung-like cavities, drawing in CO2 by passive airflow while harvesting energy from deep roots that tap into geothermal energy.    NPCs:
Space Traffic Controller (STC).
Possibly a bored communications officer on the orbital station, or possibly a radio DJ moonlighting as the Astorb system's sole traffic controller now the tourists have completely dried up. Whatever the case, he's personable and casual while on communications, and at least seems professional enough.   Steele.
A small-time smuggler, would-be womaniser and cravat enthusiast. Known to be a part of the genovial foundry as a landing pad technician, rumour has it he slept through the entire storming of the base and wound up being missed by UNTN marines. It's assumed he is still in the system, but his wereabouts are unknown.
Solar System
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