Perry Perrywinkle Character in Curse of Strahd | World Anvil

Perry Perrywinkle

At first glance it is easy to tell that Perry has done his fair share of adventuring. He has visible scars and knows his way around weapons and tools. He owns a modest shop in Barovia Proper that sells things from the mundane to the arcane. His wares are currently lacking as his "Acquisitions team" had gone missing. Morton is not an actual employee of the store, but he is willing to keep an eye out when Perry is away and is paid in room and board.   The party accepted a mission to find the team. They were found dead, bodies picked clean, by unknown aberrations (SCP-939 instances). The bones were recovered and Perry has asked the party to deliver the bones to the Vistani camp to the west of the village when they are ready to leave town.

The ex-adventurer turned shop keeper, don't get excited hes not level 20. Perry oozes confidence and sarcasm in equal amounts, but he does care deeply for the people of Barovia and will help where he can.

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