Small Earthquake Rattles Teniel Library in Cumae: The Orbis | World Anvil

Small Earthquake Rattles Teniel Library

Dateline: Khazigur University of Arcane Magic; 21 Adelis' Month, 12090: A small earthquake was reported at the Teniel Library district of the campus of the Wizard College yesterday late afternoon, knocking dozens of books off the shelves and interrupting a lecture on the campus green. Initial reports that Master LaFoy had caused the earthquake were shown to be unsubstantiated. Damage was minor, and after the brief interruption, classes resumed. Several students voiced their disappointment that midterms would not be postponed in the wake of the tremor, but damage was found to be no more than cosmetic in nature.   Authorities were unable to identify the exact cause of the quake but its locality suggests it was probably related to magical experimentation at the college rather than to a natural tectonic effect.


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May 31, 2019 19:38

Soooo......that quake lol