Followers of Ras Nihesh (Ophitic) Organization in Cumae: The Orbis | World Anvil

Followers of Ras Nihesh (Ophitic)

The Followers of Ras Nihesh are a band of Yuan-ti fanatics and some human cultists in Mlastina. They are broadly Ophitic in nature and seek after the annihilation of the world by the Yuan-ti god Dendar, as well as specifically seeking the elevation of Ras Nihesh to godhood.   Ras Nihesh was once called Ras Nsi, a human warlord who suffered a great defeat in his attempt to conquer a Mlastinan city, and who fell in with the Yuan-ti enclave based in Omu as a way to protect himself from retribution; he found their message compelling and underwent a ritual to transform himself first into a Malison, then rising through the ranks as an abomination and finally, an Anathema. In his true form he has nine serpent heads atop a 9' tall snake torso and tail.   Inasmuch as the cult of Abaia is useful to him, he has allied himself with them rather than fighting against their numerous and powerful agents in Mlastina. He can normally be found in the Yuan-ti temple complex beneath the dead city of Omu.


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