Abaia Character in Cumae: The Orbis | World Anvil


The Vilemother Abaia

An antediluvian monster from the unknown depths of the Orbis' ancient past, Abaia the monster-goddess roams the thick jungles of the Mlastina Peninsula and swims in the deep seas on three of its borders, never straying far from this tangled and vile wasteland. Her motivations are entirely unknown; her level of sentience is also unknown, as she seems to behave more like a hurricane than a being with intelligence. She roams in what seems an aimless pursuit of unknown desires, flattening everything in her path.   Worse still, every hour or so, some deformed, monstrous offspring will slough off from her bloated body and tumble to the ground, usually dying on impact in a splatter of bones and blood from the 200-foot-plus drop - but occasionally a creature lands in the water, or is soft enough and small enough not to be killed outright. These run the gamut from mindless monstrosities of horns and tentacles to enlarged or somehow twisted normal animals, like five-headed hairless lions and wingless geese the size of a rowboat. This has earned her the title of Vilemother, for obvious reasons. She seems to show no interest in or even awareness of these errant and usually temporary offspring, and exactly how they're formed is a disgusting mystery that informs many arguments among Warlocks and Sorcerers with strong stomachs and plenty of time for idle speculation.   Interestingly, Abaia was depicted on the temples and mage-towers of the Cumaeans, but was either unknown to the Elven and Dwarven Kingdoms, or artifacts showing her have not been found. The most famous Cumaean depiction is the bas-relief sculpture on the Temple of Slaughters outside the city of Soame, a place of humanoid sacrifices in ancient times dating to the late Empire, where an enormous female monster towers, spread-legged, over an altar where body parts are stacked; her hair obscures her face, but fanciful octopi and other stylized creatures litter the ground around her feet. An older, and perhaps even more disturbing piece of art has also been found that dates to the middle Cumaean, a mural of a long female towering over trees, covered in hair or seaweed, with a belt of black tentacles sprouting from her lower belly and encircling her body, reaching down to the ground and up to the heavens, where clouds obscure her face. These depictions would suggest that Abaia is well over twenty thousand years old, though it is possible that the current being is not the same one, but rather an offspring that descended from the creature shown in the mural and on the bas-relief.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Normally has the appearance of a naked, drowned female corpse on a kaiju's scale, with ragged areas of broken flesh seeping lines of greenish-black blood along the hips and the fronts of the thighs; gives off an unspeakably rancid saltwater rot stench for kilometers around. However, legends say she can also take the form of a gloriously beautiful human female, lively and lovely in all respects, at will.

Body Features

Her face is normally hidden by long, thick ropes of hair mixed with seaweed and a tough chitinous substance, but when visible her eyes are large and pearlescent with evident blindness. The noises she makes are not easily classified as speech, coming at such a low frequency due to the size of her lungs and voicebox that the sound is more felt than heard, like an earthquake pressure wave at the very bottom end of the human range of hearing.
Divine Classification
Deep One
Female, but in her natural form, the antithesis of health or feminine beauty. Bizarre, deformed and monstrous offspring fall helplessly off of her body every hour or so, often sliding from the perpetual wounds along her hips and upper legs.
blind white
Ropy strands of black chitin-hair knotted with thick seaweed and crawling with land and sea vermin of all descriptions.
294.3 tons


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