Bakdreskr Species in Cultiva | World Anvil
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Powerful, intelligent, and belligerent, the Bakdreskr are masters of the battlefield and are happiest when in the heat and haze of battle. Despite their preference for more archaic weaponry, the Bakdreksr are responsible for some of the most important scientific discoveries on Cultivo, and their machinery is second to none. Honest, proud, and calculating, the Bakdreskr make for a terrible foe, and an incredible ally.

Basic Information


Bakdreskr are a humanoid species of sapient beings. Though some aspects vary by subrace, as a whole they are omnivorous, possess a powerful digestive tract which is capable of dissolving and absorbing all types of matter, including meat, plants, and inorganic aggergates such as stone or metals. Their skin cells also contain chloroplast and as such, they are capable of photosynthesis.   Universally, Bakdreksr have a navel-like depression in their midback called a Yfodda.

Biological Traits

Omnivorous, effective immortality.

Genetics and Reproduction

Bakdreskr reproduce sexually. They reach maturity at the age of 20 and remain fertile for the rest of their natural lives. Their gestational period is six months.

Ecology and Habitats

As omnivores, Bakdreskr can survive in most any environment, though they feel most at home in hot, humid climates. They are warriors first and foremost, and as such their cities tend to spring up in places that offer tactical advantage. The typical Bakdreskr city is often well-fortified and mazelike in its construction. Buildings made of fireproof stone and metal are connected by tunnels and walls, each of which is riddled with traps and murder holes to deter would-be attackers.   Abandoned and destroyed fortifications litter the jungles of their homeland, remnants of the innumerable skirmishes of the past.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Bakdreskr are able to eat all matter, and as such, can sustain themselves basically anywhere, though the subraces have preferred food sources.

Biological Cycle

Once Bakdreskr reach maturity, they never truly age. Their bodies are theoretically capable of running forever, the DNA never degrading once replicated. This, however is rarely the case, as battle is in their blood and to die by anything other than combat is considered shameful.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Though Bakdreskr are neither more nor less intelligent than their neighbor races, their brains are specialized for technical intelligence, with a focus on science and spacial awareness.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Bakdreskr possess the standard array of the five senses with the same potency as humans.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Bakdreskr have Nordic given names, and are given a surname based on their first observed combat. Both male and female undergo this tradition.

Bakdreskr Traits

  Ability Score Increase: Your Strength Score increases by 2.   Age: Bakdreskr reach maturity at age 20 and can live to be well over 1000.   Alignment: Bakdreskr are honor-bound to uphold the code of their people. Most Bakdreskr are Lawful.   Size: Your size is medium.   Speed: Your speed is 30ft.   Deus De Machina: You have proficiency with a Mechanic's kit. You may add 1.5x your proficiency if working on a Bakdreskr machine.   Durable: Whenever you increase your hit point maximum, it increases by an additional 1 point.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Vinea Sanguis
Though they can live for what seems to be thousands of years, the average lifespan is 60, due to death in combat.
Average Height
6-9 feet.
Average Weight
160-200 lbs.
Related Ethnicities

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