Trumpeter in Crytures | World Anvil
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Trumpeters specialize in supporting the team with blast damage, manipulation, and healing powers. Their basic attack, Trumpet Blast, lets them deal blast damage at will. Forceful Horn and Deafening Trump allow the trumpeter to control their enemies' positioning on a large scale while chipping away at their Health. Last, but not least, the Invigorating Note power helps allies stay in the fight longer.


Level 1 (100 exp)

Trumpeter Novice - The cryture gains the Trumpet Blast and Invigorating Note power.

Level 2 (150 exp)

Caster - The cryture gets +1 Mana.

Level 3 (250 exp)

Trumpeter Adept - The cryture gains the Forceful Horn power.

Level 4 (400 exp)

Durable - The cryture gets +10 Health.

Level 5 (600 exp)

Trumpeter Paragon - The cryture gains the Deafening Trump power.


Trumpet Blast

Type: Air
Major Action
Melee Blast 1
Attack: Power + Trumpeter vs. Evasion
Hit: 2 damage per hit.
Crit: +1 Hit.

Invigorating Note

Cost: 2 Mana
Type: Air
Minor Action
Personal Blast 4; allies only
Effect: Each target regains Health equal to two times your Power.
Crit: +1 success.

Forceful Horn

Cost: 1 Mana
Type: Air
Major Action
Melee Blast 2
Attack: Power + Trumpeter vs. Evasion
Hit: 2 damage per hit and you push the target 1 space per hit.
Crit: +1 Hit.

Deafening Trump

Cost: 2 Mana
Type: Air
Major Action
Melee Blast 1
Attack: Power + Trumpeter vs. Evasion
Hit: 3 damage per hit.
Crit: +1 Hit and the target is Stunned.
Type: Air   Role: Controller/Supporter

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