Enchanter in Crytures | World Anvil
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With Enchanter powers, a cryture is able to simultaneously confound enemies while doling out versatile bonuses to their allies. Mental Daze is their main attack, and can give vulnerable allies a chance to slip out of an enemy's melee range. Wayward Hallucination is a powerful crowd control spell that can reshuffle the battlefield to the cryture's liking. To support allies, an Enchanter can use Fey Blessing to deliver both offensive and defensive buffs, whichever is needed. On the opposite end, they can also confound enemies into turning against each other with their final power, Friend to Foe.


Level 1 (100 exp)

Enchanter Novice - The cryture gains the Mental Daze and Fey Blessing power.

Level 2 (150 exp)

Mobile - Opportunity attacks against the cryture get a -1 roll modifier.

Level 3 (250 exp)

Enchanter Adept - The cryture gains the Wayward Hallucination power.

Level 4 (400 exp)

Caster - The cryture gets +1 Mana.

Level 5 (600 exp)

Enchanter Paragon - The cryture gains the Friend to Foe power.


Mental Daze

Type: Fairy
Major Action
Ranged 5
Attack: Power + Enchanter vs. Evasion
Hit: 2 damage per hit and the target becomes Distracted.
Crit: +1 Hit and the target becomes Stunned.

Fey Blessing

Cost: 1 Mana
Type: Fairy
Minor Action
Ranged 5
Effect: The target becomes either Empowered or Hardened.

Wayward Hallucination

Cost: 2 Mana
Type: Fairy
Major Action
Ranged Blast 2
Attack: Power + Enchanter vs. Evasion
Hit: 3 damage per hit and you shift the target 1 space per hit.
Crit: +1 Hit.

Friend to Foe

Cost: 1 Mana
Type: Fairy
Major Action
Ranged 5
Attack: Power + Enchanter vs. Evasion
Hit: 3 damage per hit and the target must immediately make an attack against its nearest ally with a +1 die modifier per hit.
Crit: +1 Hit.
Type: Fairy   Role: Controller/Supporter

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