The Praetorian Order Organization in Crystalis | World Anvil
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The Praetorian Order

To fight and to die at the will of God
To honor my people, my country, and my emperor
To fight and root out the evils of the world
To cleanse the corrupt and cowardly
To take up arms against those who threaten us
To never let cowardliness, greed, or doubt to sway me from my charge
I vow this, my body, and my soul to God. Victory or Death.
-Vow of The Praetor Supremis
  Praetors live their live for a singular purpose: to serve the will of God on this realm. These deeply devoted religious warriors have the zealotry of the most fervent believer combined with the martial prowess of a trained soldier. Though the Praetors once served as the right hand to the King, a sort of royal guard, they now serve a deeper and far more profane purpose.


The Praetorian order is the right hand of both the Emperor of Astrellas and the Church of Romulus. They are the generals of the Astrellan army and lead the Astrellan people in matters of civil and national defense. The only ranks above the Praetors are the heads of the Church of Romulus and the Emperor himself, making them the equivalent of Dukes in a Feudal system. However, the Praetors do not participate in the Senate and are barred from land holdings within the Empire. Their land is all of Astrellas, and their people are all those within its borders.     The Praetor order is divided into 3 sections: The Paetor Supremis, The Lanza Praetoria, and the Praetoria Praga.   Th Praetor Supremis   The Praetor Supremis is the elite of the elite. They are the generals, leaders, captains, and other officers of the Praetorian order serving and protecting the emperor directly. These men and women oversee all military and civil defense operations, and are in charge of the recruitment and training of new praetors within the order. A Praetor Supremis automatically holds the rank equivalent of Lieutenant General. In order to be a leader in the military, an Astrellan citizen must join the Praetor Supremis. The highest ranks that a non-praetor could hold in the military would be equivalent to a Major General.   Lanza Praetoria   The middle ranked Praetors are the Praetoria Lanza. These men and women hold the rank equivalent of a Major (or better) in the Astrellan Military. Though non-praetors are able to hold higher rank, the members of the Praetoria Lanza are afforded respect beyond that of their equally ranked peers. The Lanza are those Praetors who are either too young or too green to rank among the Supremis. In order to become one of the Supremis, a Praetoria Lanza must be selected by a member of the Praetor Sumpremis and approved by the Church of Romulus.   The Praetoria Praga   The Praetoria Praga, often just called The Praga, are the newest addition to the Praetorian Order. This order consists of the group of individuals whom served under the future emperor during the Astrellan Civil War. Made primarily of mercenary bands who pledged their loyalty to the church during that conflict, their name stems from the Astrellan word meaning "paid" or "to be paid for". This originated from the pledge from the emperor and the church that these men at arms would be given an official military role with the church if they should win the war. Currently, they serve as the church's officially sanctioned military and mostly deal with civil and homeland defense. The Praetoria Praga hold no rank in the Military, and work as a military check to the emperor's power. However, the church is in full support of the emperor and most see the Praga as a sort of Imperial secret force.

Public Agenda

The Preatorian order are the elites of the military and the backbone of the church's armed forces. They answer directly to the church and emperor to carry out their will on the land. In peace times, the Praetors have been charged with rooting out any of the remaining anti-imperial resistances, training a standing military, and ensuring that the church's laws are obeyed. Seeing as they are barred from holding any kind of political office, they have no official say in the matters of state. However, many of the Praetor Supremis serve as advisers to the Emperor on various state matters.


Foot Soldiers Jaxel Taraei.jpg
Foot Soldiers by Jaxel Tarael
  The Praetors were originally created as an order meant to guard the Astrellan nobility. Over time, they became deeply entangled with the church, particularly with those who followed Romulus. As their role evolved, the Praetors became a de-facto military force specifically meant to carry out the will of the King. Before their re-organization from feudalism, the Kings would use this force to threaten or defeat any noble rivals or threats to their sovereignty. After the Civil War, the Praetors became the official heads of the church and military of the nation. Only the best of their top ranking commanders and the most loyal of soldiers were allowed to stay in their ranks, and only then if they pledged to the Church of Romulus. While most other faiths are allowed within the nation, the worship of Entaria and The Sinner are strictly forbidden. After the war, many Entarian Praetors were given the choice to either leave Astrellas, or be executed. Non-Praetor Entarians did not receive such a choice and were forced to flee or die at the hands of the newly founded empire.

Victoria Auct Mohrs (Victory or Death)

Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
The Holy Praetorian Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
A Praetorian in Ceremonial armor. Typically worn while on duty during High Holy Days.

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