Esquivais Settlement in Crystalis | World Anvil
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Esquivais, seat of the Empire, is the crown jewel of Astrellas. Sitting atop two hills divided by a river, this expansive city is the birth place of not only the Empire, but several agricultural and architectural innovations. Walking through the city would make anyone feel as they are traveling through time as older, classical Yomrish buildings give way to modern Astrellan designs. The whole city is built to be efficient, which most streets in the newer parts of the city showing signs of intentional design and thought. Torn down were statues of great Yomrish leaders, and in their place statues of powerful Astrellan men stand. No matter where you go in the city, it feels as if the Palace is looming over you, ever ready to lift the righteous, or crush the unworthy. Next to the Palace stands the Church of Romulus, perhaps one of the most imposing structures throughout the continent. Ever a standard of righteous authority, the church gives hope to the faithful, and fear to the un-pious.


Esquivais is home to both Humans and Ifreet. The Humans of Esquivais are traditionally Astrellan in description. Esquivais, and Astrellas is general, is very much based upon a hierarchical system. Many of the poor in this city are either conscripted into the military, enslaved, or in rare cases, executed. Meanwhile the wealthy of Esquivais enjoy access to luxuries not availible anywhere else in Astrellas.


Esquivais is the seat of the Astrellan Empire and is the under the direct control of the Emperor with no representative or governor.


Esquivais has long outgrown it's defensive walls, though they still remain within the city. Once located on the banks of the Maitan river, these walls have only been recently restored by the second emperor. A military fortress was built on the western perimeter by this same emperor to ever watch the western plains. This fortress stands as a defense for the city, and training grounds for the Praetorian Guard.  
Astrellan Fortification
Sol y Siesta by Sangria

Industry & Trade

Esquivais and the land outside of it is rich for farming and raising livestock. This abundance of food has created an opportunity for trade among other nations as dried meats, grains, and dairy is transported across the continent. In addition to food stuffs, Esquivais produces a myriad of luxury items and armaments to supply its growing population and military.


Esquivais is home to numerous industries that thrive in Astrellas. Forges fire weapons for nobility and gladiator alike while tailors and artisans make lavish pieces to display in hopes of wealthy benefactors. The roads throughout Esquivais are kept clean and maintenance by the city's engineers (or at least their slaves) as are their bridges and public works. Atop the tallest hill in Esquivais sits the Imperial Palace, home to the emperor and his family. Several large bridges span the river than runs through Esquivais and divides it's residential and industry districts. Two other prominent structures can be found in Esquivais: The Arena and The Church of Romulus. The Arena is home to the gladiatorial games and many other grand events throughout the year, which the Church of Romulus is the seat of religious power in the nation.  
One of many bridge over the river Matain
A Spanish City by Francois Bossuet
Colosseum of Esquivais
Gladiator Arena by Ivan Vujovic


Esquivais is the center of Imperial wealth in Astrellas, and this is reflected by it's rich markets and industrial districts. Artisans from all over the nation come to sell their wares to the wealthy and poor alike, hoping to catch the eye of their next investor. Esquivais is a hot spot for culinary delights in Astrellas, with many wealthy investors backing restaurants in the market district.  
Astrellan Marketplace
Market Day by Seville Pdero de Vega Munoz

Guilds and Factions

While the city was once home to a myriad of different guilds and orginizations both in the market and otherwise, this practice has been all but outlawed. Guilds with ties to trading and shipping still thrive in Esquivais, but most others have been ran out. The market is control by a joint effort of the Empire and the Church.


Esquivais was not always the city it is today. The river that runs through it marked the halting point of the Yomrish Southern march during the Early Wars. A Wealthy Yomrish general built Esquivais as a defensive settlement against the smaller nations to the south. Eventually, the city was reclaimed and later named the capital city of the nation of Astrellas. Since then it has served as a seat of power for many monarches. Currently, it is the seat of the Astrellan Empire and flaunts a beacon of authority and prosperity.


A mixture of stone buildings and traditional wooden-frame designs ca be found in Esquivais. The further you get from the old city, the more wood you see being used in construction. Most of the homes, stone or otherwise, are coasted with a layer of white, red, or brown plaster to insulate and provide stability. Walking through the streets of Esquivais will be a walk through time as you see structures from both modern and classical designs.    
Modern Atrellan Architecture
La Diagonal by Dario de Regoyos


Esquivais sits on the banks of the Maitan river, with two low hills on either side of the river. Approaching from the west, a traveler could see the Palace, Fortress, and top of the Church of t Romulus all sitting atop the northern hill, and a booming market and industrial district atop the southern hill. The lands outside of Esquivais are rolling plains broken by the occasional farmland or sparse corpse of trees.

Natural Resources

Food grows in abundance all around Esquivais. Astrellan staples such as pears, apples, olives, and grapes are harvested and either dried to ship to market, or sold to locals. Alongside crops and livestock, the Esquivais region has a small wealth of gold, silver, and copper readily mined.
Alternative Name(s)
Castillo Del Rey, Esquivais
Roughly 300,000
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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