Ursoc Character in Crystal Kings | World Anvil


The Beloved, Lord of Champions, The God-hand, The King Uncrowned Ursoc Urosh

Despite his death far back in the World-That-Was*1, Ursoc is a name that continues to live on. Be it in the form of surviving historical records, or in the popular media of the times. To many of the Ursin*2 and peoples beyond, Ursoc is remembered as a tragic hero and a cautionary tale.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ursoc was often described to be large, like a hulking brute that moves faster and with more agility than expected. Though hidden by his fur, Ursoc was tone and incredibly muscular.

Body Features

It is believed that Ursoc has scars on his body, due to his service and battle, though there is no proof.

Facial Features

Urson had three scars on his snout. On his left, one went up the side of bottom jaw to make a y shape where it crossed his lips up onto his top jaw stopping just before the top of his snout. On the right side, a single lines traces from just next to his nostril to an inch from his eye.

Identifying Characteristics

His most identifiable features were his grey fur and the scars on his snout.

Special abilities

As a geneticly enhanced humanoid, Ursoc's body and mind is stronger than any mortal Ursin.

Specialized Equipment

  • Dire: Ursoc's custom built suit of power armor, made by Rak at Cremahldaem's request, as a gift and symbol of status.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Precious little is truly known about Ursoc in his younger days. Both the ravages of war and the passage of time have effectively seen that it stays so. What little that can be said for certain is indisputable truth, and saying otherwise can cause grave offense. This is do to the efforts of many historians, magic users, and even the God and then King Huram*3. It is said by some that Ursoc's loss was a wound from wich the Ursin people have not recovered.   Records of a younger Ursoc place him as an orphan, though it is unknown if this is due to the first War of Want or more "normal" circumstances. He was rowdy and troublesome, prone to fight and brawls. It was a suprise to many when, like many other, he volunteered for the "Gene-Weapon" program*4. Though it nearly killed him, Ursoc became one of the first successful geneticly enhanced warriors produced by Hosac*5 and Ehziamash's*6 project. As a condition of joining the program, Ursoc was enlisted into the military and placed into a formation of geneticly enhanced Ursin and Humans at Cremahldaems'*7 command.   The first two battles he fought in were skirmishes, tests of his genetic enhancements. Third was a massive teleportation assault on the city of baralstahd. For many years the city was used as a refugee gathering point for Cremahldaems' peoples. Baralstahd had been built in and around a mountain. Ursoc has passing by the entrance to a fortified cave turned bunkerthat was used to house orphans waiting transport elsewhere.   While the bunker had one official entrance and exit, it did possess a secret escape tunnel. This tunnel was known to the caretaker overseers, but they we having a meeting elsewhere and killed in the opening assault. The Ruinous Powers*8 did not immediately assault the bunker, but Ursoc had precious little time. He was ordered to get as many as he could out and retreat to join the at organized defense. Those orders went unfollowed, for he saw that there was no escape without sacrificing the young and the innocent to the slaughter.   Ursac drew his weapons and stood before to locked doors of the bunker entryway. A prayer to Cremahldaem would be his last words over the comnet*9, the first words spoken as the first of the fiends took notice and charged. Though no direct recording of this prayer exists, a multitude of testimony corroborate hearing Ursoc's words, the sound of clashing blades, the deep thrum of rail fire, and the roars and wails of fiends*10. Upon finishing the prayer, he began to recite it again as the roars and wails of the fiends nearly hid his voice. Interference cause static to drown his words out by the third recitation.   Surviving records indicate that the battle of Baralstahd lasted for two and a half days of constant carnage. It was by dawn of the third day that Ursoc was found by search an rescue team guarded by dozens of soldiers. A mound of dead fiends sat piled fifteen feet high, a portion of it nearly covering the bunker entrance. At its peak, Ursoc sat on his knees, arms at his sides and eyes on the gore covered ground. His armor was nearly obliterated, broken into countless pieces of differing sizes, blood from dozens of wounds covered him, causing a small bubble to form over one nostril with every slow ragged breath. those that found him said he looked at them with seemingly half dead eyes, made a single nod, and fell to his side. Only the blood of fiends touched the bunker door behind the corpse mound.   After recovery, he was honored by Cremahldaem himself, named one of the Ursin champions and granted a higher military rank. Though none can say exactly when it began, it was his actions in Baralstahd that won him the hearts of the peoples of Cremahldaem. From there, he began to deploy on more dangerous and diffucults missions, earning praises and length to his service record. He earned the respect of feathered peoples*11 when he lead all present forces in the cleansing of the floating city of Aprotha, casting the bodies of the Fiends to break upon the earth far below. Though none could say for certain how many battles he had participated, it was the battle of the fortress Prado that had earned him the title of "The God-Hand" for it was Cremahldaem's will that those tainted by the Faceless*12 be purged. When the last traitor died, Ursoc cast the body from the outer wall of the fortress, a bloody trophy and proof the deed was done.   Ursoc was there, when the All-Wanter*13 was beaten and chained, he saw Urgada*14 rip the wings from Iblioth's15 back. Time marched on and so came the second War of Want, with a new named Lord of Champions leading several legions of gene-enhanced ursin and humans into battle in Cremahldaems' name. Though Ursoc's time in this second war was one of constant battle, he and his legions only fought in three of the greatest battles of his peoples. First of the was the battle of the broken pillar, in wich his forces won but at a heavy and blood cost to Ursoc's forces, due to the agressiveness ordered by his god. Second was the battle of the adross, in wich Ursoc saved his lord, taken by suprise by several Archfiends*16 in a trap made near perfect by Cremahldaem dismissing his personal guard in bizarre frustration.   While it caused some to whispers doubt about the Bear God of Storms, Ursoc's part only grew his people's love and respect for him. In the battle of the broken pillar, the people praised his efforts that kept the battle from becoming pyrrhic victory or devolving into defeat. In the battle of adross, Ursoc lead Cremahldaems' personal guard on an assault that brought them to their God's side in his time of need. It was this that brought Ursoc his greatest glory, for Cremahldaem decreed that when the war was over, Ursoc would be named the First King of the Ursin, to lead in the god's stead. All of Cremahldaems' people celebrated and fragments of recordings of the event can be seen.   After both battles, Ursoc was brought the doubt of others over their God's actions. Both times, he listened, but chose faith in Cremahldaem over their concerns. By this time, Cremahldaem was noticeably bothered by something, and many had suspected this is why Ursoc was to be the first king of the Ursin. This brings us to just prior to what was to be known as the battle of grass sea. For this time it was Cremahldaem that came to Ursoc with self-doubt.   Though to see his god in such a state pained Ursoc, his faith could not be shaken easily. He encouraged his lord, to trust in the faith Ursoc and countless others placed in him, and Cremahldaem listened. Later Ursoc stood with Cremahldaem as the god told his warriors that he would fight in the battle, but would follow the command of The Beloved, as a test of his abilities.   The battle of the grass sea was one against an old foe, the Narcigoleth*17 Archfiend known as Belfemech. After plaguing his peoples for countless years, Ursoc and his god would bring the beast retribution. Belfemech commanded a force of mixed fiends types, a skeleton of well ordered devils*18 supported the roiling flesh of a demon horde with daemons controlling the strongest of demons*19 to keep the rest in line. Even supported with divine might of a God and the mechanical strength of Archknight Titans*20, Ursoc and his warriors paid for every step forward with the blood of heroes and the damned. Though the battle was a three day long frenzy, Belfemech, and the fiends he marched with, were all laid low.   It was shortly after the end of the battle that its became forever known as the "Battle if the Breaking". Despite Ursoc's faith in Cremahldaem, the Gods could not fight the taint of the Fiends any longer. Cremahldaem snapped, first to die was beloved Ursoc, struck down before anyone knew or understood they were witnessing a sacrifice for the birth of a God-Fiend*21.   As history has shown since, the Ursin and human followers of Cremahldaem turn against him, turning to the worship of the God Huram. Even far into the future, they now follow Thunder King Huram. In the uncountable years since the, Ursoc's peoples have lived on, in their hearts they carry the tale of the beloved, while their souls bear the weight of the wound caused by the death of the king uncrowned.


Though left infertile by the genetic modifications, he is a heterosexual male, and is believed to have died a virgin.


Ursoc was well educated by the military, studying as a part of downtime activities.


Ursoc's known employment is purely military, enlisting as a part of the gene weapon project, and serving until his death.

Personality Characteristics


Though none in the Prime Materium, except maybe Traitor King Cremahldaem, can say for certain, those that are willing to speculate often attribute his motivation to be related to his orphanage. This speculation usually falls into two lines of thought.
  1. He was motivated by a desire for vengeance against the Fiends that orphaned him.
  2. He was motivated to protect others and prevent the Fiends from orphaning others.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Skilled at chess, terrible at puzzles.
Names, places, times, and things of note in the world of Crystal Kings.
  1. The World-That-Was: The world as it existed before bring split in two, when gods still walked beside mortals.
  2. Ursin: The bear-people of Cremahldaem, created from his most faithful Human followers.
  3. Thunder King Huram: Avatar of the God of Thunder, King Huram leads the Donderend Empire.
  4. Gene-Weapon Program: The genetic enhancement project run by the Gods Hosac and Ehziamash, responsible for producing the super soldier template still used by both Traitor and Crystal King to this very day.
  5. Hosac: God and creator of the Minotaurs.
  6. Ehziamash: Co-creator and God of the Centuars.
  7. Cremahldaem: God and creator of the Ursin.
  8. Ruinous Powers of Evil: Called "Ruinous Powers" for short, this is the collective name for the Fiends used by the All-Wanter to wage war for creation.
  9. Comnet: Short for "communications network", for Ursoc, it is the audio-com system built into his armor.
  10. Fiends: A catch-all term for entities, now otherworldly, born of pure evil or evil souls.
  11. Feathered Peoples: The bird peoples of the Avian gods - the Avizog, the Croven, and the Sovabu.
  12. The Faceless: One of the four Ruinous Powers of Evil, comprised entirely of Narcigoleths, they served as the spies, sabotours, and infiltrators of the All-Wanter's forces.
  13. All-Wanter: The name given to Kardioz after he launched his war for domination of the World-That was.
  14. Urgada: Owl god and creator of the Sovabu
  15. Iblioth: One of the four Sons of Want, he is master of the Seven Circles of hell, supreme commander of the Infernal Legions, and the lord and leader of the Tyranoloths as a race.
  16. Archfiend: A generic title for Fiends that also gives a base level to their power, Since even the weakest of the Archfiends still count among the strongest of them.
  17. Narcigoleth: Also known as Daemons, they are born from the souls of mortals that lived lives of self-service and satisfaction regardless of the cost.
  18. Devils: Also known as Tyranoloths, they form The Infernal Legions and are born from the souls of mortals that used the rule of law for selfish and harmful purposes.
  19. Demons: Also known as Destruluths, they form The Demonic Hordes and are born from the souls of mortals that lived selfish and destructive lives.
  20. Archknight Titans: Massive mechanical weapons of war, origionally used to fight dragons, they were used again against the Ruinous Power and have seen combat in the years since.
  21. God-Fiends: God-Fiends are one of two things, either Gods that were corrupted by the taint of the Fiends, or Fiends that have gained enough power to equal a god.
300 to 500 years.
Date of Birth
Unkown, prior to the end of the World-That-Was
Date of Death
Exact date unknown
Circumstances of Birth
Circumstances of Death
Murdered by Cremahldaem
Assumably in the area controlled by Cremahldaem
Place of Death
Exact location unknown beyond the World-That-Was
dark brown eyes
dark grey like his fur, kept short.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
dark grey fur
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Even if you feel a lack of faith on yourself, do not doubt your peoples, it is by faith in you that we still find the strength fight!"  - Ursoc to Cremahldaem before the Battle of the Grass Sea
Known Languages
Ursoc spoke common, urs, aventh, and a bit of elf and dwarf tongues.


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