Circumcellions Organization in Crossroads | World Anvil
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Divine Origins

The Circumcellions are a sect of Christians that prize martyrdom above all else. They were founded in the fourth century in Northern Africa by Berber Christian worshipers, and were quickly declared heretical by the Catholic Church and even Emperor Augustine himself. They died out within the century, but the cult has since been resurrected by the Lone Penitent, who arrived in Crossroads two decades ago, preaching of Circumcellions and repentance.   At each place he visited, he gained followers hopeful to end the Retribution and give meaning to their sinful lives by a martyr's death. And soon a network of Circumcellion preachers arose, claiming that repentance was as simple as martyring oneself against the demons of the retribution, and that the Wastes could be healed by martyr's blood.   The Lone Penitent died in his first forey into the Retribution, successfully martyring himself, but his legacy lives on.   The Circumcillion cult lives in a continual cycle of bands of martyrs forming, dying, and any survivors returning to the Crossroads in shame to spread their message of repentance, though there are some habitual preachers that have decided to delay martyrdom for themselves to spread the martyr's message far and wide.

Tenets of Faith

The Circumcellions believe that martyrdom is the highest virtue, and the only way to redeem humanity and end the Retribution. They also believe that due to Jesus telling Peter to lower his sword, that bladed weapons are heretical. Thus they take up cudgels, which they call Israelites, and seek out demons to martyr themselves to.   They believe their blood will heal the Retribution as it soaks into the sands of battle, and thus prefer demons with sharp claws, spines or teeth to those with blunt adornments, so that they might be more fully lacerated before they die, with battle-cries of "Laudate Deum!" upon their lips.   It is considered holy to kill the demons before succumbing to one's wounds or other beasts. Those who survive are considered shameful, having not given enough of themselves to die, and must make another trip to the Retribution after rounding up another warband, although some prefer to go alone into the Wastes, which is considered acceptable by what passes for the leadership.   Before each lone wanderer or warband goes into the retribution, they etch their names into one of the many Circumcellion stones that have popped up across Crossroads, recording the lists of would-be martyrs.

1. Cross image courtesy of Jo Naylor, cropped to fit better.

Our Blood will Heal the Land

Founding Date
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
The Martyrs, The Penitents
Notable Members

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