Session 34: The Finale Report Report in Crescent City By Night | World Anvil

Session 34: The Finale Report

General Summary


You abruptly step into a half-circular ante-chamber. Directly across from you, you see a short set of stone stairs leading up to a platform on which rests a pair of large stone double doors, which you imagine might weight multiple Tons. The doors are decorated with an intricate carving of a Kraken-like creature wrapped around the base of a tower. Worryingly, the doors are open just wide enough for a single person to enter at a time. You see Bishop Liberius standing on the platform in front of the doors, with Bishop Maciej and Christopher Frost flanking her sides. They are facing your direction, but Liberius is looking down the steps at Saoirse who you recognize as Philly. To the left of the platform, you can see a few dozen shambling individuals which have clearly been mutated in various ways by a Tzimisce. Surrounding the ante-chamber, you see several corpses of varying shapes and sizes including those of Tzimisce War Ghouls, Kindred, and Garou.   As the Coterie appear, Liberius will let out an audible sigh and will say to Maciej "Take care of these misfits, and then join us within." She then reaches out a hand to Saoirse and states "Come, let the lesson proceed." She then turns her back on the Coterie casting but a brief glance to Bishop Maciej and a slight nod to the Coterie to gesture for him to stay and kill the Coterie. During this brief pause, a looming figure walks out of the stone doors stopping behind Bishop Maciej and Christopher. With Saoirse in tow, Bishop Liberius then gracefully walks past the doors, which are ominously closed sheer moments after she passes, with a loud thud.   Immediately In front of the Door now stands Bishop Maciej and Christopher with Toby between them. As the door shuts, a loud wailing begins echoing from the mob to your left as the horde pulls away from the Coterie. The wailing ends as the sound of tearing flesh, popping and breaking bones, etc. takes its place.   As Bishop Maciej and Toby take steps towards the Coterie, the lights in the room flicker as 2 more figures appear out of the shadows on either side of the doors. Seemingly in Unison, the pair of gorgeous females speak out to the Coterie stating:   "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth...."   As they take a couple of steps forward, shadow tendrils creep out from under their clothing, they laugh, quite wickedly as their faces become shrouded in shadow one moment, and then are blindingly beautiful the next.   "And then God created the Cainites, in curse of Caine for the murder of his brother, and we have dominion over the mortals and through us they know fear and learn to fear the Almighty."   "God is the judge and I am His instrument. He putteth down one and he setteth up another and He in his wisdom set us, those of Shadow and the Abyss over all!"   The women begin to slowly fly upwards as 2 more Tendrils form wing-like appendages out of their backs, and seem to lift them off the ground. They continue to become half shadow, half human and all devastatingly frightening,   "See Us! See us the Instruments of the Holy! Fear these dark angels, fear us and bow to us!"   As they finish speaking, all goes black as a suffocating blanket of Oblivion stretches out from the surrounding shadows and covers the ante-chamber.   It will take 2 more turns before the Fleshweld ghoul is finished transforming. A loud roar comes from what was once a horde of shambling Ghouls. In its place stands a massive figure. (Describe the Tyrranid Mini being used for the Fleshweld Ghoul).  


The doors open up to a dimly lit room, with the sound of a stream echoing from the far side. The dim light isn't from any man-made sources, but from the softly glowing crystal like substance that run in veins throughout the deep black stone walls of this chamber. The deep black stone walls appear to be polished so well that you can see your distorted reflections looking back at you. The glowing crystal lines spreading along the walls making it appear to be a cracked mirror.   In the center of the room you see what looks like an island surrounded by what was once an underground lake of some kind. Now though, in place of water, you see thick viscous blood in its place. In the center of the island is a large coffin, matching the rest of the chamber.   As the Coterie walks into the chamber, you see The Captain laying in a heap on the cold floor just inside the door, clearly in Torpor. Standing between you and the lake of blood, you see the familiar Nosferatu, Molar, alongside a Gargoyle, Toby. Bishop Liberius will be on the island beside the Coffin, regardless of what the next step turns out to be.

Primary Plan of Events:

1. The Coterie helps Serafina and Vincent finish off the Bishop and other Sabbat. ○ Prince Serafina has Jax help set up the Wards/Rituals to contain the Kraken when he wakes up, in case he wakes up in a Frenzy. § The wards will help contain him, and help him regain control once he's fed. ○ George uses his Alchemy and possibly Antediluvian Blood to wake up the Kraken. ○ The Kraken will awaken with a guttural roar as he slips into a Hunger Frenzy. He will climb out and immediately eat/Diablerize the remaining Sabbat. § As the Kraken is loudly feeding from the Sabbat, Prince Serafina's Ritual Chanting will shift into singing "Tilli Tilli Bom" and will approach the Kraken. § Looking him in the eyes, she will kneel beside him, then reach up and gently touch his cheek as his wild bestial grimace relaxes, and the Kraken regains control. 2. The Archons show up with some of their allies and will try to kill the Kraken, since they will arrive too late to stop the Coterie from waking up the Kraken. a. The Archons will give Serafina and friends the opportunity to leave the City quietly and go into exile, as he is now the Prince of Crescent City and it will be better for everyone if they didn't try to fight. Of course Serafina will refuse. i. If the Archons have the ring of King Solomon, the Tremere will use it at this point to force MoMo to take control and begin to join the Archons' group. MoMo will take control of Quinton's Body, and will begin walking towards the Archons' group but will be clearly fighting Quinton for control. ii. If the Coterie continues to resist they will see the Archon's sigh and turn to leave, once more saying something like "Come now MoMo lets give our friends some room to do their work." Assuming that MoMo is still in control and following them out. iii. This will be when Quinton regains control, just in time to see the Lady in Red enter in between the 2 departing Archons, suddenly realizing he is now standing in between the Prince, Kraken, etc. and the Lady in red shows up like the Visions. iv. The Lady in Red is promptly followed by Phantom, Special Agent Smith, and the Missionary's partner, and a few dozen Inquisition Soldiers who immediately begin the flank the room/group. v. Before the Soldiers have all entered the room, the Coterie watches as the entering Soldiers are enveloped by what looks like a massive red fog bank, which begins to rapidly pour in and fill the room.  


• The pair of Archons have been working with the Second Inquisition to help stabilize the region and to aid them in taking control of Praxis. • The Toreador Elder that the Coterie killed was Prince Serafina's biological Sister. • Serafina has a long history with the Kraken and has been planning to reawaken him so that they may continue to rule their city together. • The Box of King Solomon contained a Ring that can control Demons. • MoMo is a Demon/Devil of some kind that Dr. Crucio had been experimenting on intertwining with the Soul of his Childe. The theory was that if he could successfully merge the spirits, it will help him to discover how to unmerge the Beast from the Kindred.
Crescent City By Night
Hound Jax Stocke
Tremere | 12th - Neonate Generation
Hound Saoirse
Brujah | 11th - Ancillae Generation
Hound Ester Morales
Hound Douglas Ravenwood
Toreador | 11th Ancillae Generation
Sheriff Quinton
Malkavian | 10th - Ancillae Generation
Hound Tala
Ravnos | 10th - Ancillae Generation
Report Date
01 Nov 2023
Primary Location


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