Session 30: Interrogation Report Report in Crescent City By Night | World Anvil

Session 30: Interrogation Report

General Summary

1. The Coterie took Pierre and Blaze to Mama Boyles to interrogate them. 2. The Scourge was at the club and was able to help them wake the prisoner up from Torpor. 3. Blaze used his disciplines to try to escape and was beheaded by the Scourge. 4. They paralyzed Pierre and used Fata Morgana to try to scare Pierre into talking. They eventually got the information below out of him. Most of it was obtained after Quinton used Dementation to break Pierre's mind to make him talk. 5. Began using the Lore Sheet to make him switch sides. 6. Butcher arrived bloody and bruised and said "We have a problem".     Freedom Fighters: • Baron Omar was fighting off the Beckoning. • He was preparing to take on the Archons • The Freedom Fighters will fall apart now that Omar is gone.   Sabbat: • The Sabbat were helping the Freedom Fighters as a distraction for their own stuff. • The Sabbat killed the prince. • The took the Captain to use his map to the Kraken who is a Methuselah hidden below the city near the ley lines. They plan to Diablerize the Kraken and use the Ley Lines to find all sleeping Methuselah and Antediluvians in North America.

Rewards Granted

UPDATED STATUS: QUINTON: 7 DOUGLAS: 5 ESTER: 3 JAX: 5 SAOIRSE: 3 TALA: 5   Quinton: +2 Ancillae +3 Sheriff +2 Coterie Actions   Douglas: +2 Ancillae +1 Hound +2 Coterie Actions Ester: +2 Ancillae +1 Hound Jax: +2 Ancillae +1 Hound +2 Coterie Actions   Saoirse: +2 Ancillae +1 Hound +2 Coterie Actions -2 Suspected Sabbat Tala: +2 Ancillae +1 Hound +2 Coterie Actions
Crescent City By Night
Hound Jax Stocke
Tremere | 12th - Neonate Generation
Hound Saoirse
Brujah | 11th - Ancillae Generation
Hound Douglas Ravenwood
Toreador | 11th Ancillae Generation
Sheriff Quinton
Malkavian | 10th - Ancillae Generation
Hound Tala
Ravnos | 10th - Ancillae Generation
Report Date
03 Aug 2023
Primary Location


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