High Society Influence in Crescent City By Night | World Anvil

High Society Influence

There are people in this world that, by dint of birth, possessions, talent, luck or knowing who to blow, have risen above the “unwashed masses.” Those with this influence are able to control and direct the energy and actions of mortals who move amongst society and in the entertainment sector. Contact and Allies affected by High Society influence include: dilettantes and debutantes, the old rich and the nouveau riche, movie stars, rock stars, artists, dancers of all sorts, fashion models, trendsetters, critics, and fashion models.

Here are some examples of actions you can perform with this Influence at each level.

1 - Learn what is trendy; Obtain hard-to-get tickets for shows; Learn about concerts, shows or plays well before they are made public.
2 - Track most celebrities and luminaries; Be a local voice in the entertainment field; "Borrow" idle cash from rich friends ($1,000).
3 - Crush promising careers; Hobnob well above your station.
4 - Minor celebrity status.
5 - Get a brief appearance on a talk show that's not about to be canceled; Ruin a new club, gallery, festival, or other posh gathering.

City Specific Areas:

The High Society in the city revolves around the Cultural District and the various well-to-do families. Though old money families like the 5 Founding Families tend to dominate the social scene and have the most well known names and reputations, the nouveau riche families, fueled by fairly recent successes on the stock market or in banking as well as a few inheritances, have made the biggest splashes in the gossip columns.

The main places those of good standing within in the city meet, apart from the numerous annual charity events, galas and receptions is both the Wendelton Yacht club and the Wendelton country club, with admittance into both clubs being a proud badge of honor amongst the rich and difficult to attain.

  The Wendelton Yacht Club
  The Wendelton Country Club
  The 5 Founding Families:

1 - Cromwells

2 - Athertons

3 - Redfords

4 - Griffiths

5 - Maxwells

Articles under High Society Influence


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