Vorr Settlement in Creithnnacht | World Anvil


Vorr is it is the largest city on the continent of Kalderon. It sits directly in the center of the continent, on the magical North Pole, over top a wellspring of magical power. It is also the home of Thalia and Imhotep.      

City Layout

Vorr was built in a large oval shape oriented north to south. The city is separated into quarters, with the low quarter being to the far south and the palace being to the far far North. Directly on the Eastern side of the city, right on the outside of the outer city wall is a Cliff that holds a series of aeroship docks.   The city itself has four walls. The first wall is the wall that surrounds the entirety of the city. The second wall separates the merchant quarter from the noble quarter. The third is the wall surrounding path to the palace and area. Then the fourth and final wall is the wall around the palace grounds itself.   The quarters South of the noble wall are in a crescent moon shape. Since there is no wall between them you could easily walk from one to the other without even noticing. Upon entering the southeast skate of the city you enter into the low quarters, walking to the north the next quarter you will hit is the mid quarter and then the merchant quarter.   Unlike the other quarters the noble quarter is instead a full circle. At the very Northern end of the Noble quarters, beyond the third and final wall, stands an impossibly tall hill. A spiraling staircase works its way up and around the hill until it's at ends at the final wall on the very top of the hill.   Beyond that final wall, is the palace grounds. To the east lay a very very large stable that hosts a variety of creature. Obviously, there are horses, but in a larger middle section lay five captive adult dragons. Beyond that there are also Griffin and dragonllings.   Directly north of the gate lay the palace. The palace, enormous in size, is also shaped in a crescent facing back towards the city. When the high Lord greets citizens to hear their plights he does so in a large throne room in the very middle of the crescent
Large city


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Aug 13, 2023 11:34

I really like the idea of the magical north pole. It has a lot of implications fascinating to explore.   That said, it is also make the description of the city that follows a bit strange. The problem for me is, that the north pole defines the most north point. This means that from that point there is no west or east, just south. This must not be a bug, but could be used as a feature, it just needs to be addressed. Where exactly is the north pole? I would assume for prestige reason directly under the throne of the lord. In which case the city is already a bit south and the terms east and west has at least some meaning. How is west and east used in the city? Maybe the 0. Longitude just cuts right through the middle of the city dividing it into two parts, one on the eastern hemisphere and one on the western hemisphere? (This would also address what west and east for the palace means: It either on the eastern or western hemisphere.

Aug 16, 2023 19:40

Hey Dredaich,   Yeah Magical North is below the palace. Unfortunately, there are two things that made it so I couldn't write enough to answer all that, 1)lack of time since I only learned about reading camp in the final 2-3 days and I have to be careful what I give away as campaigns are currently being run there, but I'll answer what I can.   So, magical North is pretty close to, if not exactly, 90 degrees off of magnetic north. Therefore, N,S,E, and W can still be determined by the suns. Anything, I could say about the magical North "pole" would be too much information to my sneaky players who have probably already read this since it's public. In fact what I've already said is a lot of information. I will say though, the reason it's under the palace is not due to prestige, there is another reason entirely. With the type of compass used in the world (one that detects magical resonance and the magical "maginosphere") Vorr is a complete... ummmmm... spot of chaos? They would use the sun to determine the Cardinal directions here especially since most wouldn't have access to these compasses and magnetic compasses haven't been invented.