Dark-Moon Festival Tradition / Ritual in Creation | World Anvil

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Dark-Moon Festival

Once a year the twin moons of Rogue and Luna hide their face at the same time marking the night of the Dark Moon Festival. A festival celebrated by a select few and known by even fewer.  


  It seems to have originated within the City of Ptolus but has slowly spread to other cities within the Empire. It is believed the Festival of the Dark Moons was established shortly after the founding of the second city of Ptolus and before the entitlement of the nobles.    

From Dusk till Dawn

  The Dark-Moon Festival is held on the 30th day of the month of Wind, starting at dusk while ending at dawn. Known by various names, including the Dark Festival, Rogue Moon Festival, or even Rogue's festival. The Dark-Moon Festival originated within orphanages, giving an opportunity to bring a night of celebration for orphans. This gives them an opportunity to hold a group birthday celebration.   Later in adulthood, orphans treat the Darkmoon and their birthday with a varied approach. Some bury it by choosing another date for their birth, thus hiding their orphan background. While others lean into this, making it a part of their identity. In kind, the response ranges from some, including nobles looking down on those that celebrate the Darkmoon as their birthday, while most common-folk widely accepted it.    

Darker Side of the Moon

  Some street gangs and thieves' guilds use the Dark-Moon Festival as a yearly ascension or test. While recruiting to fill their ranks during the festival or planning important jobs or heists for members.   The City Watch quietly treats this holiday with increased attention, trying to curtail the momentary increase in crime but avoiding any backlash of public opinion.    

Rogues Moon

  Those that take stock in the Dark-Moon Festival hold that while both moons are new, the Rogue is the dominant moon aligned and hiding Luna. To the studied, this has no basis in fact, but is of little importance as the two social circles rarely collide.  


  While the Dark-Moon Festival is primarily a human city holiday, it is an event often embraced by half-elves and halflings. Most of the other non-human races ignore it or treat it with a misunderstood curiosity.    


  Some rumors speak of this Festival being started by a god or goddess of fate, while other say it's the handiwork of dark powers.        
Inspired by this modern news quote...   Unfortunately, many orphans and homeless children around the world do not experience this kind of special birthday celebration. Blowing out candles on a birthday cake and joining party games may even be unfamiliar to many of them.
Primary Related Location

Ptolus Calendar

“The greatest trick the Shadow Father ever played was convincing the gods that he did not exist.”
— the Faceless




Author's Notes



The Faceless and Shadow Father was inspired by the Lies of Locke Lamora a 2006 fantasy novel by American writer Scott Lynch, the first book of the Gentleman Bastard series. Elite con artists calling themselves the "Gentleman Bastards" rob the rich of the city of Camorr, based on late medieval Venice but on an unnamed world. This quote below for the Shadow Father was inspired by The Devil's Advocate movie quote from famous poet Charles Baudelaire.  

“The greatest trick the Shadow Father ever played was convincing the gods that he did not exist.”
— the Faceless
“The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist.”
— Charles Baudelaire

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Jul 12, 2021 23:02 by C. B. Ash

As always, just fascinating and great work! I'm really loving how the thieves' guilds use it as a test while the City Watch just quietly prepares. That's a nice touch. :D

Jul 13, 2021 07:35

Thank you glad you enjoyed it.

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