Wyld Geographic Location in Creation | World Anvil


The formless swirling chaos that forms the majority of reality and which has existed since time has existed. This is a realm of Essence, passions, emotions, and change. The chaos eventually created something paradoxical to it, the Primordials; beings of immense power and form that desired order and wrested Creation out of the Wyld to rest in.   The denizens of the Wyld resent and hate Creation's existance and will never cease to encroach on it's boundaries if given the chance.  

Structure of the Wyld



  The Bordermarches are the portions of the Wyld that are closest to Creation, where the effects of entropy are more subtle and still resemble reality. They are more dangerous than most areas, but the chaos is not so extreme that madness and death are a constant, extreme risk.  


  Deeper into the Wyld, reality warps thoroughly. There is no mistaking that one is entering the Wyld and the normal laws of the world begin to break down. Reality itself is warped into a barely recognizable state reforming as it pleases. Entering these areas without magical protection can leave a mortal mentally and physically scarred within a short amount of time.  

Deep Wyld

  This is the Wyld proper, and mortals will quickly lose their sanity and form here. This is no longer reality and is the Chaos that surrounds Creation.


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