The Chainhold Building / Landmark in Creation | World Anvil
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The Chainhold

"No one escapes the Chainhold.  Not you.  Not me."   -Korll di Jurricort, Investigator Principle of The Chain
    The Chain has its headquarters inside an imposing structure known as The Chainhold.  Built almost 400 years ago, the fortress is a black granite hexagon one hundred paces on each side and fifty paces tall.  The sides are flat with no adornment other than thin windows that seem to vanish when looked at from afar.  And afar is the only way to see it.   The Chainhold sits in a location known as The Hollow, a depression slightly to the south and across the river from Capitol City on Ennostwell.  The Hollow forms a natural draw that long ago was planted with blackbriars.  The dangerous foliage makes for a natural obstacle both in and out of the Chainhold.  There is one simple cart path leading up from the river and a solitary guardhouse sits where the thorns begin.  In addition to the blackbriars, the ridgeline above The Hollow was planted with ironwoods that have grown tall and dark over the centuries.   The lands surrounding the Chainhold have been set apart by the Executors of Capitol City as a Sovereign Separation that is governed in perpetuity by The Chain.  To the northwest are the shanties of Clerrsin's Swamp and stretching out to the south are the sparsely populated local farmlands.  No one mistakenly happens upon the Chainhold.  In addition to the terrain, there are a variety of traps both physical and magical that discourage interlopers.   The interior layout of the Chainhold is completely unknown.  In the 400 years since its construction not one single person has provided any details.  Rumors are all we have.  It is assumed that some kind of administrative offices are within since the Chain's leadership is seen coming and going.  But since very few workers are ever seen it is assumed that there must be barracks inside.  Armory, dungeon, training facility; all of these are supposed but unconfirmed.  Members of the Chain are secretive and it is well established that anyone going inside involuntarily is never heard from again.


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