Sand Bat Species in Creation | World Anvil
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Sand Bat

"The Sand Bat's uncanny ability to fly low and unseen in broad daylight caused many difficulties in cataloging it. While its deadly strikes from seemingly out of nowhere had the unfortunate effect of diminishing our survey crew and frightening our porters to the point of desertion, it did also create an unplanned overage in our rations and allow us to spend more time in the field."   -Bo Shuuda, undated personal correspondence collected after his death
    The Slate Fields are one of the most inhospitable expanses in all of Creation. Plant and animal life is minimal, water is scarce, and midday heat can kill a man before sundown if he can't find shade. Therefore, it is unknown how the sand bats find enough sustenance to proliferate like they do.   The most complete study* to be compiled regarding them lists them as roughly the size of a horse with a wingspan of twice that. They are typically grey to sandy brown and seem to choose habitats that match their coloration. Limited examples of nesting sites have been discovered and the current belief is that they squeeze themselves between broken shale rocks while resting, perhaps even intentionally scraping rocks up with their wings to cover themselves. While bats of other types and areas are typically nocturnal, the sand bats tend to hunt during broad daylight. Their preferred method of attack is to glide low to the ground, taking advantage of the mirage effect, and come in behind their victims. They grapple the victim with their rear claws and use their large, powerful wings to lift them high into the air before dropping them on the rocks to stun or kill them. Collected evidence suggests that they drain the victim of all blood and humours before injecting their skulls with a saliva that liquifies the brains and allows for them to be sucked up like the other nourishments.     *Bo Shuuda, Natural History of Ennostwell, vol 2, p 79


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