Half-Elf (Torieln) Species in Creacia | World Anvil

Half-Elf (Torieln)


Caught between destiny and derision, Half-elves often view themselves as the middle children of the world. Torieln, as many call themselves, stand taller than Humans but shorter than elves. They inherit the lean build and comely features of their Elven lineage, but their skin color is normally dictated by their Human side. While Half-elves retain the pointed ears of elves, theirs are more rounded and less pronounced. Their eyes tend to be human-like in shape, but feature an exotic range of colors from amber or violet to emerald green and deep blue. This pattern changes for Half-elves of Drow descent, however. Such elves are almost unfailingly marked with the white or silver hair of the Drow parent, and more often than not have dusky gray skin that takes on a purplish or bluish tinge in the right light, while their eye color usually favors that of the Human parent.


Half-elves, like their Human parents, can and do live anywhere in Creacia. Outside Toriel, most heed the sylvan call of their Elven side and take to the woods if part Ceralnesti, the high mountains if part Elenesti, or the Underdark if part Drow. Many are found as rangers and rogues and travelers, going from place to place and belonging nowhere. Toriel, however, has become home to an entire civilization of Half-elves that has its own customs and traditions, and considers itself an improvement on both species. There the Torieln are a noble people, riding through the Emerald Fields and defending the rest of the Centerlands from the growing power of Hett.


Half-elves started becoming more and more frequent after the First Ruination, when the Dominion of the Elves ended and the remaining Elves were scattered throughout the land or retreated to Daenor. Many of those outside Daenor integrated into Human society for protection and companionship, often producing children. Those children, accepted in some places and rejected others, began to congregate and eventually made a country of their own a century before the Second Ruination, around 1900 AFR.


Half-elves tend to be itinerants, wandering the lands in search of a place they might finally call home. The desire to prove themselves to the community and establish a personal identity—or even a legacy—drives many Half-elf adventurers to lives of bravery. Some Half-elves claim that despite their longevity, they perceive the passage of time more like Humans than Elves, and are driven to amass wealth, power, or fame early on in life so they may spend the rest of their years enjoying it.


High Common, appropriate form of Elven if raised with Elven parent

Player Characters

  • +2 to any one Ability, +2 Dexterity, -1 Strength, -1 Constitution
  • Low light vision up to 60 feet
  • One extra Feat at first level or Traits as listed by Pathfinder
Human and Elven
150-200 years, mature at about 30 years
Average Height
5.5-6.5 feet
Average Weight
100-200 lbs.
Sadaira Redeagle, Ranger of the Ironwood
Jakedi Tel' Onethi, Honorblade of Toriel


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