Human Species in Craton II | World Anvil
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For centuries, they were overshadowed. Simple apes in the forest, persistence predators, adaptable, sure, but totally mundane. Nothing to take notice of. What could they achieve, without magic?
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But as other species dropped, from disease, from hardship, from sheer bad luck, the humans seemed unaffected.
In fact, when left alone to their own devices, humans flourished. They found horticulture, slowly, then agriculture, herding, settlement, civilization. Suddenly, they became the most powerful single force on the craton, despite a lacking population.

Basic Information


Mammal. Bipedal, with two legs and to arms. Internal skeleton. Very muscular and lanky compared to other apes, and almost completely hairless.

Biological Traits

Very little physical difference, besides phenotypical, among different subgroups and populations of human. Minimal sexual dimorphism and no inborn roles or castes.

Genetics and Reproduction

Typically reproduce through physical sex, gestation period about 9 months. Typical litter size is one. Genetically compatible with coatzitzintin, tabaxi, and cuicameh. Tentatively compatible with gnomes, orcs, and most beings from the Inner Planes (elves, dao, efreet, djin, shiftlings, etc).

Ecology and Habitats

Survive best in near-tropical temperatures, but are extremely adaptable and capable of living in almost any environment. As long as they have oxygen, food, and heat, they can live, and if a given area is lacking some of those thing’s they’ll do their best to assimilate it or find their way around it.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Omnivores. Can eat almost anything you give them, although they have strong preferences for sugars and fats. Practice intensive agriculture and raise livestock for meat, as well as hunting and older forms of agriculture in some areas. Typically store and transport food over long distances to keep their cities supplied, and prefer to eat it cooked.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Humans posess very broad, flat features, with forward-facing eyes, etc. They have no fangs or large teeth, although they do occasionally potrude.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Populations concentrated in the far west and northeast tips of the craton, but have smaller settlements and occupations over the entire northern portion (the C.A.S.A.)

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Inferior hearing, smell and night vision, but admirable sight and very good at pattern spotting.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

C.A.S.A. parliament, the guild/calpulli system, Clalen corporation

Average Technological Level

Extremely high. Humans posess complex weaponry, such as guns, bombs, and tanks, as well as innovations such as the steamship and aeroplane. Radios and trains are in widespread use, and photography and movies have recently become affordable. Machinery is used in many aspects of life, such as food production/preparation, manufacturing, transportation, and leisure. Comparable to the Edwardian era.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Tolteca (human common), local nahuatl dialects, Mazteca

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Good terms: gnomes, lizardfolk, kenku, tabaxi, cuicameh, Inner Planes minority species   Tense terms: coatzitzintin   Bad terms: orcs, firbolg, shiftlings, forest minority species

RPG Datasheet

Ability Score Increase. Two ability scores of your choice increase by 1.
Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 9 meters (30 feet).
Skilled. You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.
Specialist. You gain a single feat of your choice, provided you fulfill the prerequisites (if any).
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.
Genetic Descendants
80 years
Average Height
A little over 1.5 meters (5 feet)
Average Weight
57 kg (125 lbs)
Average Physique
Moderate body fat but very slim, especially in the torso. Proportionately very muscular. Extreme stamina, even in the weakest members.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dusty brown to mahogany skin, light brown to pitch black hair that is straight or mildly wavy. Eye color is generally very dark brown, almost black, with possible amber or red undertones, but rarely hazel or even green or grey eyes surface (though this will raise questions of parentage). All lighter color variants are only naturally found in those of Yancuitlan stock, while traits such as wavy hair, very dark coloring, and monolids are more common to western populations.

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