Prophecy Wine Item in Craedock | World Anvil
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Prophecy Wine

Prophecy Wine is a Hekrosian brand of red grape wine, sold in limited quantities to the public and very popular in the clerical circles of the Acronian Sea. It is composed of fermented red and black grape pulp, harvested under the direction of the vineyard's oracle, and darkened with a select blend of spices to a blackish color. It is used in many religious ceremonies and is known to priests and savvy spellcasters to aid in divination magic.   A shipment of the wine was recently stolen by the Haiy Ka Slaver Cult while it was en route along the coast of Harkenlock. A young girl named Zohi was in the caravan, niece of the vineyard's current leading oracle and in line to inherit the position against her wishes. Attempting to escape her fate, she stowed away on the caravan, where she was captured, along with the wine, by the cult and brought to Zig as a slave. She was rescued there by the Liberators of Hornhack.

Manufacturing process

The exact recipe of the wine varies under the instruction of the vineyard's leading oracle, who guides a moderate following of monks and nuns throughout the fermentation process. The exact time of harvest, as well as the ratio of spices, are determined by the oracle based on astrological observations, and various forms of divination and soothsaying.   The initial recipes consist of a ratio of red and black grapes, usually consisting of more black, but oracles have been known to switch to a red grape majority in order to stave off or warn of ill omens. Acronian legend tells of a story in which a Royal Era monarch called of an entire naval campaign because a bottle of Prophecy Wine he was gifted by an ally 'tasted more red than the year prior'.   The seasonings added to the blend are always enough to darken its hue, but the oracle determines the blend itself. A licorice root is often a key ingredient, which adds its character to the wine's overall taste and smoothness, and most importantly color. Allspice and nutmeg (two herbs found in most rum) are key but don't contribute as much to the overall tone. Several more conventional herbs such as bay, basil, and rosemary are portioned at the oracles discretion. On occasion, new ingredients are added that wouldn't normally be included. Famous samples include tea leaves, cocoa, and diluted snake venom. The most adroit connoisseurs in the region can recite a batch's ingredients based off the year it was released.   The vineyard stands completely independent in the Hekrosian countryside. The monks grow food for the inhabitants, cut wood for the wine barrels, a resident blacksmith handles all metalworking needs, and even the glass bottles are blown on location. The bottles are often stained and adorned with calligraphy on the labels. Overall the monastery portion of the vineyard has about 300 resident monks and nuns. The vineyard has been in operation for over 2000 years, since the Royal Era.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink

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