Zuraine, Lady of White-Sun Character in Covenant | World Anvil
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Zuraine, Lady of White-Sun

To a human an Elf lives forever, and though elves do die after a thousand years or so their souls return to their creators to be reincarnated once again into the world. The Eladrin, chosen of Corelleon are no different save a few blessed by the deity himself. They are devout followers of the King of Elven gods and are demigods gifted with true immortality that their kin have lost. One such being is known as Lady Zuraine an Eladrin female as ancient as the Land she now resides. Zuraine is fair of skin, with Golden  brown hair. As an Eladrin her hair and eye color often changes with her moods from its usual golden brown, to an auburn red or a pale blonde.   Wisdom, and beauty beyond earthly measure she has been tasked by the Gods to Chronicle the plights and histories of the Elves of Covenant. She watches from afar atop an Ivory Tower Zy-Crithtirith(Zi-cri-tyr-ith) or White-Sun Tower, Where the beauty of nature never fades and flowers bloom all year round. Using her magics she has amassed a library recording the names of every elf that was ever born and died on Covenant, who they were, who they may become. Their feats and trials no matter how mundane.   Aiding her are daughters of nature, a large Coven of Dryads live in the glade of the tower and beyond all sworn to aid the Lady of White-sun. These Dryads are extra eyes to her sent to watch those of particular interest to Lady Zuraine.

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