Xelian, God of the Afterlife Myth in Covenant | World Anvil
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Xelian, God of the Afterlife

Tasked by Zell to bring order to Death itself, Xelian is perhaps the most dedicated to his domain of any of the Esper Arcanus. He created a Paradise for the souls favored by the Gods so they may eventually be reincarnated into the world below come the Time of Renewal as well as he is the Deity primarily responsible for dealing with devils and handing over the souls of the wicked to them as per THE Covenant. For all his many services he was Granted permission to choose one of Zell's Daughters, Rythellea and Mal'dria, as his wife. Much to the surprise of the Pantheon he would choose the Goddess of Death Rythellea to be his wife.  Unfortunately he is not active and presumed dead by his few followers that remain attempting to fill his void. Now if you were to pass away your soul would behold an inky void of nothingness before it.
  His Domains include; Order, The Afterlife, Reincarnation and Protection.
  Xelian appears as a Young Human Male dressed in Gold and Black Robes, a Circlet of stars gifted to him by the God Runè.

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