The Whisperers of the Old Gods Organization in Covenant | World Anvil
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The Whisperers of the Old Gods

A zealous and fanatical sect of yuan-ti faithful to the Snake Gods of old, with Orochi is in power their influence grew but now has declined again. Often seen wearing white and gold robes they have Long been feared as assassins and Sorcerers the general populace fear to even speak of them and local law turns a blind eye to their nefarious deeds lest their loved ones become targeted by them. Members are often trained from birth to be assassins. Their numbers are unknown to all but the highest officials in Apophia but they have had a secure grip on the nation in the past and often conduct covert missions outside its territory.    After Orochi's Death the Gorgon servant of Larloch, Esmerelda, was seen evidently in charge of whatever was left  of the Whisperer's and can now be presumed to be leading them.
Guild, Assassins
Alternative Names
The Whisperers
Related Ethnicities

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