The Rocs of The Blue Feather Mountains Species in Covenant | World Anvil
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The Rocs of The Blue Feather Mountains

In the Blue Feather mountains among its tallest peaks lies a Roc's Nest with a small population of the massive bird of prey. Long have they lived atop the mountains and long have the dwarves known and dealt with their existence.  Fiercely territorial they keep other flying menaces away and thus the Dwarves of Urgnor and the Barony do not wish for their removal for they have learned to deal with the large predators. Often when reports of the Roc reach caravans and travelling parties they will bring along a Sheep, or Cow to draw the predator away from their horses and caravan. The Roc only seeks an easy meal and would rather not fight a potentially deadly battle for it so it will naturally go for the animals that the travelers allow to stray from them.

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