Lilith Mithos Character in Covenant | World Anvil
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Lilith Mithos

Kindly old Seamstress with her own shop in Hampstead where she watches over her granddaughter Kayla and seeks to pass down her trade to the next generation. She made a Cloak for the traumatized young man Pollux after he lost his companions in the woods outside town to a terrible monster. Later She was involved in an Attack by the Cult of Smiles where Kayla was taken by the Cultist to be used as a sacrifice. Her Nephew Jericho aided her and with the help of other brave souls returned her granddaughter to her.   Now Increasingly elderly and infirm she is doing all she can to make Kayla ready for when the time come for her to pass on. She will leave everything to her, and pray that Jericho continues to watch after his younger cousin after she has passed on. She Looks forward to her Nephews next visit as she has information about his father which she wishes to divulge to him.
312 AR 4 AR -308 years old

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