Kiriv, Desk Sargent. Character in Covenant | World Anvil
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Kiriv, Desk Sargent.

A barbaric appearance hides the keen mind of this Red Dragonborn warrior and soldier of The Long Watch. Kiriv had a rough upbringing, being taken as a slave at a young age and raised as a pit fighter until the day Sir Jonah of the Long Watch freed him and offered him a place within the mercenary groups number. Resolving to climb up the ranks and prove himself worthy to his savior he took on some of the most challenging jobs The Long Watch had to offer until he ended up directly under its Commander Sir Jonah.   During the Incident in Hampstead Kiriv kept the soldiers of The Long Watch together when their commanding officer was assassinated by the cult and through Kiriv's leadership fought off the Cultists attacking and burning the town. After this he was promoted and given a place at the main HQ of the Long Watch in Stonehall where he would once again meet the party aiding their investigation into The Top Dog Syndicate and the criminal underbelly of Stone Valley.   Kiriv was seen aiding the Long Watching the evacuation of the Citizenry during the demonic invasion of Stonehall.

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