Esmerelda, Gorgon Spy Character in Covenant | World Anvil
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Esmerelda, Gorgon Spy

Originally encountered within the court of Orochi inside the twisting palace she soon revealed herself to Pollux as an agent of Larloch. He motives unclear but she seems to be assisting the Lich King in his experiments and using his name to compel Pollux into aiding her. After several more similar encounters she begins to aid Pollux in his own endeavors whether this if of her own accord or orders from her master is unclear, but one thing is certain is that she has taken a liking to the undying warlock and has set her resources to work for his goals. attempts   Esmerelda is a Tall, Lithe Gorgon(Medusa), complete with snakes for hair and the ability to turn her enemies to stone. She also seems adept at Illusion magic having appeared in the guise of multiple forms throughout Pollux's adventures in Zelltross.

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