Zell Berrien Ariss Karonnis Character in Corgeria | World Anvil
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Zell Berrien Ariss Karonnis

Baron Zell Berrien Ariss Karonnis

The master of Zell’s Keep, an almost invincible castle located deep in the Spine. Zell is a living vampire, warrior and sorcerer. Described as a powerfully built, dark haired and pale skinned man. Zell controls a number of valuable mines that provide him with a steady flow of gems and precious metals. He keeps firm control over a cluster of half a dozen villages that provide workers for his mines. He has three wives and a dozen children, all of them living vampires. He employs a company of well-trained and very well-paid mercenaries, but also maintains a personal bodyguard of a dozen warriors drawn from his own extended clan. These men and women are fanatically loyal to him. Zell and his family feed themselves with a steady supply of slaves and prisoners.

Physical Description

Body Features

Pale Skin

Facial Features

Strong, brooding features with dark eyes.

Apparel & Accessories

Zell typically wears warm, well made woolen. He is vain and makes sure they are tailored to show off his excellent physique.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity




Intellectual Characteristics

Zell has broad interests and is widely read. He is always interested in hearing about the outside world to compensate for his own unwillingness to leave his own .territory

Morality & Philosophy

Zell is completely focused on maintaining his personal power and protecting his extended family. He believes he must do whatever is necessary to maintain his position and provide victims for his families dietary needs.

Personality Characteristics


Zell is focused on maintaining his position, protecting his wealth and his food supply.

Likes & Dislikes

Zell is particularly paranoid about the Brotherhood of Vexdor and is constantly on the lookout for its agents. Even the suspicion that someone might be a member of the Brotherhood or a freelance Vampire hunter is enough to land someone in Zell's torture chamber.


Contacts & Relations

Zell has close relations with the Syrican Brotherhood which provides him with a steady supply of slaves. Zell provides the Syrican Brotherhood with a refuge where they can operate openly.

Family Ties

Zell surround himself with family members, he only trusts his own kin.


Zell has a commanding voice that demands people's attention.  He speaks a number of languages including Mountaineer, High Corgerian, Northron and Dark Corgerian (Mountain dialect)

Wealth & Financial state

Zell has far more wealth than would be expected of a mountain lord. His control of several valuable mines has made him very rich.
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Baron of Black Mountain
Current Residence
Zell's Keep
Blue, very intense
Glossy Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6', 1"
Quotes & Catchphrases
Betray me and I shall wear a shirt of your flayed skin and use your skull as a cup to drink your blood.
Other Affiliations


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