The Sea Company of Gorliss Military Formation in Corgeria | World Anvil
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The Sea Company of Gorliss

A group of profession marines that work as mercenaries for the merchant leagues and various kingdoms around the Windy Sea. The company fluctuates in strength from between 500 and 1,000 members. Almost all the members of the Company use either a short bow or a crossbow. They fight with a variety of scimitars, short swords and axes. They frequently use various kinds grenades and incendiary bombs.



The manpower of the group changes depending recruitment and the availability of work. Typically the company has had between 500 and 1,000 marines in its ranks. The company is always keen to recruit spell-casters to supplement its conventional warriors.


The company is well equipped with grappling irons and will fit ships they expect to use for any length of time with boarding ramps and artillery weapons .


Every marine in the company is expected to be proficient in the use of a crossbow or short bow. Favored weapons for hand-to-hand combat include short swords, hand axes and scimitars. The company favors both magical and non-magical bombs like stink bombs, smoke bombs, incendiaries and grenades. They often carry have specialized crossbows for launching these items.


The company will require its employers to furnish ships and small boats to fit the requirements of any mission.


The company is lead by the Captain General and a small staff consisting of a quartermaster, a scribe, the chief armorer and the master of training. The company deploys in sub-units known as Sea Companies of anywhere from 25-100 men. These units are commanded by a Captain or a Lieutenant assisted by roughly one sergeant for every 20 men.


The Sea Company is expert a shipboard combat and will avoid work that will put them on land for a significant length of time. In combat they like to saturate enemy ships with missile fire, explosives and incendiaries. Only once an enemy vessel's crew has been disrupted by ranged weapons will they attempt a boarding action.


The company as a reputation for a constant and rigorous training regime.
Overall training Level


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