The Green Company of Balathor Military Formation in Corgeria | World Anvil
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The Green Company of Balathor

This is a well-established mercenary band that works in the North. The company’s strength fluctuates between 200 and 1,000 members and is built around using a combination of well-trained heavy infantry and crossbowmen. The company is distinguished by the dark green surcoats its members typically wear and the other part of the company’s name comes from its current leader.



The company’s strength fluctuates between 200 and 1,000 members and is built around using a combination of well-trained heavy infantry and crossbowmen.


Heavy infantry typically are equipped with a 12' spears, a long oval sheild, breast plate, chain mail skirt, plate arm and leg guards, nasaled helmet with a lobster back. Additionally a sword, or battleaxe and a dagger are carried as personal weapons. Crossbow men wear studded leather instead of plate a mail with leather gauntlets and boots with metal plate sewn on to them. They wear the same helmets as the infantry.


The company maintains a wagon train to haul supplies, barrels of extra bolts, mantlets, scaling ladders, caltrops, bundles of wooden spikes and other equipment.


The unit is commanded by the General with a captain, a lieutenant and two sergeants for every company. The companies fluctuate between 20 and 100 men.


The company usually fights in blocks of spear men with crossbow troops deploying forward in a skirmish line or sheltering in the block as needed.
Overall training Level


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