The Gasvar Plain Geographic Location in Corgeria | World Anvil
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The Gasvar Plain

This is a large stretch of level land starting at the western shore of the Windy Sea and stretching to the western borderlands of th Kingdom of Tarrel. The plain contains several a larg forests, most notably the Forest of Tarlot at its eastern end. The plain is crossed by numerous rivers, some flowing easternward towards the Windy Sea and some flowing fromt he SPine northward to the Northern Ocean.


The Plain is ordered on the east by the Windy Sea, to the north by the Grfeat North Wood and the Gray Mountains, to the south by the mountains of Spine, the western border is Karrotte Hills.

Fauna & Flora

The northern plain is a rich agriculture area with large stretches of grain lands, orchards and pasturelands. Most dangerous animals and monsters are confined to geographically isolated areas like the Bottom Lands of Pleska or the Forest of Tarlot. In areas near the Spine or the Great North Woods frequently have animals and monsters come down from the mountains to look for food, espcially during the winter.

Natural Resources

RIch crop land used to grow a variety of grains, fruits and support livestock.


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