The Band of Iron Military Formation in Corgeria | World Anvil
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The Band of Iron

A group of thirty gladiators who escaped from slavery on Gamba and now work as mercenaries, typically undertaking bodyguard work. They will generally work for anybody if the pay and terms are good. However, they hate Gamba and its lords with a passion and will use any opportunity to strike at them. They are currently led by Garlon sur Tarrilyn, a man legendary for his battle prowess with his wife, Zelyonna sur Tarrilyn serving as his able number two. In recent, they have recruited a mercenary sorceress named Gelissa Avena Ostera to provide magical support for the band.



Most of the bands thirty members are former gladiators, but they have recruited other warriors as they have had to replace losses.


The band specializes in close combat. Each member of the man chooses his or her own personal weapons. The group likes to start it's attacks my infiltrating enemy positions by using darkness or unexpected approach routes then launching sudden overwhelming attacks.
Overall training Level


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