Pandra Town Settlement in Corgeria | World Anvil
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Pandra Town

Pandra Town is home to 4,500 permanent residents. It often also houses a considerable number of visitors, mainly merchants and traders people doing business with the order. Pandra Town is surrounded by a single stone wall. The order regulates building in the town and requires all houses to be built of stone and have roofs of slate or tile. Houses are typically of two or three story buildings. The streets are paved with cobblestones and sewers carrying waste away from the town. The town has numerous workshops such as cartwrights, saddle makers, barrel makers and shoemakers that make their business from supplying the order with its regular needs. The town is also known for housing a famous brothel, the House of the Scarlet Curtain on the town’s main square. The brothel frequently hosts the promotion parties of Alyite officers (enlisted women cannot afford it). The House is staffed by both men and women. The house is known for the quality of its beverages, the quality of its staff and its wonderful baths, feed by a natural hot spring. The House of Esteemed Visitors is used as an official guest house by order for important male visitors. Men are not permitted into the fortress, but female visitors are. It is an attractive three story building made from cut stone with a red tile roof. In event of attack the town can mobilize a militia of more than four hundred citizens. In addition, a company of Alyite light cavalry is typically assigned to patrol the town and the surrounding countryside. If troops can be spared from the fortress additional troops will be sent to reinforce the town in event of siege.


Males are over represented in the town because the husbands and sons of Alyite warrior make up a significant portion of the town's inhabitants. Ethnically the town is mixed, but is mainly made up Northron humans and Northron Corgerians. Southrons, Danites and Dark Corgerians are all present.


The town is governed by the Commander of Pandra Fortress


The town is surrounded by a 20' wall with towers at regular intervals. The town has three gatehouses, one controlling the bridge to Pandra fortress and two controlling the approach roads at the northern and southern road entrances to town. The southern gate can only be approached by a bridge over the River Sterret. The northern gatehouse can only be approached by a road that come up the hill with several switchbacks

Industry & Trade

The town's workshops and traders are strongly oriented towards providing for the needs of the Alyite Order. Leather workers producing saddles, boots and sheaths are common. Tailors produce large numbers of red tunics and cloaks. Blacksmiths forge horseshoes and weapons in great numbers. The town has a reputation as a place to buy high quality weapons.


The town has cobblestone streets and an efficient sewage system. The town has a number of deep wells and several large cisterns.


The town occupies the westernmost of twin hilltops. The hill is about 250 feet tall. The slightly taller western hilltop is occupied by the Fortress of Pandra.
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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