Mistress of the Coven Rank/Title in Corgeria | World Anvil
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Mistress of the Coven

This is a title taken by the head priestess of a Khannite Coven. The Mistress of the Coven is typically the founder of the coven or has been groomed for the position by the previous mistress of the coven. The Mistress of the Coven takes the lead role in recruiting, training and caring for the the priestesses or witches in the coven.


The mistress is expected to be a wise and experienced priestess with strong organizational ability.


1. Develop a program of religious instruction. 2. Recruit young women to be trained as priestesses. 3. Supervise the safety of security of the coven. 4. Direct the coven members in their duties and religious mission. 5. Assist in the formation of new covens.


Mistresses of the Coven enjoy great respect both from their fellow witches and from the worshippers of Khanna in general. Nobles tend to treat them as fellow nobles, although most Mistresses have common origins.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The Mistress of the coven is distingished from other priestesses by golden trim on her green robes. The Mistress will often carry a more ornate staff than other priestesses.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

If the the majority of the membership of a coven comes to a consensus that the Mistress is either no longer able to fulfill her duties or unable to advance their faith, they may ask the Mistress to stepdown from leadership or retire.
Religious, Clerical
Form of Address
Equates to
High Priestess
Length of Term
Unlimited, usually until retirement or death


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