Lorria Arissa Treven Character in Corgeria | World Anvil
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Lorria Arissa Treven

Lorris Arissa Treven

As children Lorria and her twin sister Parria were trained as tavern dancers by their mother Arissa, who was famous for the beauty and eroticism of her dancing. Soon after the girls turned 15 their parents were murdered under horrific circumstances by unknown assailants. the twins and their old brother Tollar barely escaped. For the last eight years the three sibling have traveled by city to city around the Windy Sea performing for audiences ranging from commoners to nobles. The siblings never stay anywhere for more than a few weeks fearing that their parents killers will find them. Their fears seem entirely justified as they have already survived two efforts to kill them. As a result that siblings are always looking for threats and seeking those who might protect them.   Lorria and Perria are identical twins of striking beauty. They have milky white skin contrasting sharply with their curly, glossy black hair and bright blue eyes.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A professional dancer, Lorria is in suberb physical condition with excellent balance and coordination.

Body Features

Very shapely and well muscled with delicate hands and feet.

Facial Features

High cheekbones, striking blue eyes contrasting with black eyebrows.

Physical quirks

Lorria always moved very gracefully seeminly gliding rather than walking.

Special abilities

Lorria is a highly skilled dancer.

Apparel & Accessories

When performing Lorria wears richly embroidered dancing silks typically in the form of a halter and a long skirt slit to the upper thigh on each side. She wear many bracelet on her arms and bangles on her ankles. When not performing she wears dressed in what is referred to as the southern style with a form fitting top, a high slit on one side and a low cut v-shaped neckline with a wide belt or sash at the waist.

Specialized Equipment

Lorria carries a dagger usually concealed at the back of her belt or in a boot. She also has tow throwing knives.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Anything goes


Lorria and her sister were both trained as tavern dancers by their mother and have continued to build their knowledge by watching both other tavern dancers and temple dancers. Their parents also taught the girls how to sing and play musical instruments.


The siblings have worked as a trio for the last eight years entering into short terms arrangements to entertain all manner of audiences.

Mental Trauma

Lorria has been traumatized by the murder of her parents and is filled with fear that their killers will find her and her siblings.

Morality & Philosophy

Lorria's primary concern is the continued survival of herself and her family, all other considerations are secondary.

Personality Characteristics


Stay alive and keep on going.

Vices & Personality flaws

Tends to use her sex appeal to manipulate people and get what she wants.


very clean.


Religious Views

She frequents temples of Meleth both to learn more about dance, learn more about the erotic arts from the priestesses and...oh yees..do some actual praying.

Social Aptitude

She enjoys flirting seeming very playful and sensual.


She speaks with a soft almost sing-song style when she is not performing, but as a well-trained singer she also can raise her voice and make herself heard.

Wealth & Financial state

Lorria makes enough performing to live comfortably, but whatever wealth she has must be portable often taking the form of bracelets and small gems sewn into the lining of her cloak. She is perfectly willing to let people who are attracted to her buy her stuff.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Bright Blue
Black, waist length in many ringlets
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Northron and Northron Cogerian.

Lorria Arissa Treven

Bard 5 Class & Level
Entertainer Background
Northron Race
Lawful Neutral (Good) Alignment

Strength 14
Dexterity 18
constitution 16
intelligence 13
wisdom 12
charisma 17
Total Hit Dice 5
Hit Die
+3 proficiency bonus
+2 Strength
+4 Dexterity
+3 Constitution
+1 Intelligence
+1 Wisdom
+3 Charisma
saving throws
+7 Acrobatics
+1 Animal Handling
+1 Arcana
+2 Athletics
+6 Deception
+1 History
+1 Insight
+3 Intimidation
+1 Investigation
+1 Medicine
+1 Nature
+1 Perception
+6 Performance
+6 Persuasion
+1 Religion
+7 Sleight of Hands
+7 Stealth
+1 Survival

Armor Class
Hit Points
Dagger +1To hit +8Damage 1-4+3
Throwing KnifeTo hit +7Damage 1-4+4
acrobatics, performance, stealth, persuasion, deception, dancer, singer instrumentalist, tools - disguise kit
Cantrips (3) Mending, Light, Blade Ward, Mage Hand,1st Level (4) Charm Person, sleep, detect magic, Thunderwave, 2nd Level (3), Hold Person, Heat Metal, Locate Object, 3rd Level (2) Dispel Magic, Fear
Drum, disguise kit, dagger +1, 2 throwing knives, cloak of protection +1
By popular demand, ritual casting, spell casting focus, bardic inspiration, Jack of All Trades, Song of Rest, Bard College - College of Lore, cutting words
Features & Traits

Heroes Enabled


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