Ghost Stone Item in Corgeria | World Anvil
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Ghost Stone

Ghost stones are magical devices generally taking the form of spherical crystals that range from light blue to smokey gray in color. The crystals are typically mounted on a silver chain link necklace. The necklaces are a passive magical scanning device. The will begin to glow softly if within 50' of an undead creature of any sort.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The item produces a low level field of magical energy that reacts to undead creatures.


These are popular defensive items used to warn the wearer of impending danger.
Item type
3 to 6 oz
Base Price
200 g.p.
Raw materials & Components
The active element of the item is a crystal sphere. It is typically mounted on a silver chain so it can be worn around the neck.
A wizard will enchant the crystal than employ a jeweler to mount the item.


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