Arsala Arkana Kallios, High Priestess of the Salyite Order Character in Corgeria | World Anvil
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Arsala Arkana Kallios, High Priestess of the Salyite Order

The Hand of the Goddess Arsala Arkana Kallios

Arsala Arkana Kallios – The longtime leader of the Salyite Order and High Priestess of Salya. Her name is recognized throughout the northern lands as a deadly assassin, although her appearance is subject to wild conjecture due to her use of many disguises. She is a human woman with blood red hair, jade green eyes and very pale skin. She is a living vampire alleged to be over 300 years old, but appears not a day over 25. When not in disguise she favors closely fitting, black velvet trousers with a matching tunic and hooded cloak. She is an expert poisoner, but is equally deadly with a blade, the strangler’s cord or a bow. In special cases, when she finds targets attractive she will endeavor to seduce them then will drain them of blood after lovemaking. She has no steady paramour, but instead freely pursues multiple lovers among the members of her sect. She is both feared and admired by those she leads.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Arsala appears to be a very fit young women of about 25 years of age.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Arsala deliberately keeps her origins secret saying no more than that her parents were common folk. In any case she is certainly the only member of her immediate family that is still alive. She has been the leader of the Salyites for a century after having worked her way up through the hierarchy. There are many different stories about how she came to power including that her predecessor was killed by the Brotherhood of Vexdor, that she drowned in a shipwreck or that she went on a mission to the Eskill lands and never returned. Whatever the case, after the leadership of the Sisterhood became confident the former leader was not ocming back they picked Arsala to lead them.

Gender Identity





Arsala has educated herself throughout her long life. She can read and write, speak numerous languages, play several musical instruments and is a skilled dancer.


Arsala has been in the Salyite Order since age 16.

Personality Characteristics


She prefers to be clean, but will allow her appearance to get scruffy if her mission requires it.


Social Aptitude

Arsala can quickly blend in with any group or social class as long as she is familiar with the language and culture. She is very good at making people feel comfortable around her and will manipulate them to make them easier targets or into assisting her in her missions.
Lawful Evil
Jade Green
Blood Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5', 7"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Northron, Southron, Mountaineer, Dark Corgerian, Danite, Low Corgerian and High Corgerian.

Arsala Arkana Kallios, High Priestess of the Salyite Order

Cleric (War) 16 Class & Level
Entertainer Background
Northron Race
Lawful Evil Alignment

Strength 16
Dexterity 19
constitution 16
intelligence 16
wisdom 18
charisma 18
Total Hit Dice 16
Hit Die
+5 proficiency bonus
+3 Strength
+4 Dexterity
+3 Constitution
+3 Intelligence
+4 Wisdom
+4 Charisma
saving throws
+9 Acrobatics
+3 Animal Handling
+3 Arcana
+3 Athletics
+4 Deception
+3 History
+9 Insight
+9 Intimidation
+3 Investigation
+4 Medicine
+4 Nature
+9 Perception
+9 Performance
+4 Persuasion
+7 Religion
+9 Sleight of Hands
+9 Stealth
+4 Survival

Armor Class
Hit Points
Rapier +3To Hit +12To Damage 1-8+7
Dagger of Venom +1To Hit +10To Damage 1-4+5
Short Bow +1To Hit +10To Damage 1-6+5
Acrobatics, Performance, Disguise, Stealth, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Insight, Religion, All Armor, Shield, Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Spell Save DC | 8+5+4=17 | Spell Attack Modifier 4+5=9 |
Rapier +3, Dagger of Venom +1, Short Bow +1, Cloak of the Shadow Walker (Elvenkind), Chain Mail Shirt +3

Heroes Enabled


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