House Medani Organization in CORE Eberron Database | World Anvil

House Medani

​House: The half-elves of House Medani carry the Mark of Detection. One of the youngest of the dragonmarked houses, House Medani, was organized into a mercantile house due to the War of the Mark that ended fifteen hundred years ago. Even though it has stood as an established mercantile house for fifteen centuries, some older houses still view House Medani as an upstart. Unconcerned with the opinions of its peers, House Medani controls the Warning Guild, which offers services related to personal protection. House Medani originated in Breland and continues to concentrate its efforts in the central region of Khorvaire. Unmarked members of House Medani sell their services as scouts, sentries, and similar occupations.​
  ​The half-elves of House Medani carry the Mark of Detection. House Medani originated in pre-Galifar Breland fifteen hundred years ago, using its abilities to detect threats to foresee dangers and establish a base of power related to knowledge in the wake of the War of the Mark. Today, Baron Trelib d’Medani oversees house activities and controls the Warning Guild from an enclave in Wroat. He is a powerful and influential friend of Breland’s King Boranel and tends to favor that nation in his dealings. The Warning Guild offers services related to personal protection. Its members work as bodyguards, scouts, sentries, and inquisitives, ever vigilant for unexpected threats that could pose a danger to the clients they serve.​
  ​Breland The patriarch of House Medani maintains an enclave in the capital city of Wroat, near to the royal court and the parliament hall. Trelib has been a friend to King Boranel for many years and even joined the king on an adventure or two before Boranel inherited the throne. The house provides a small group of retainers to aid the king, using their detection skills and abilities to keep the king safe and secure. Baron Trelib d’Medani, a half-elf of great power and influence who has lived in Breland his entire life, has a fondness for the nation and its king that sometimes gets in the way of his dealings with the other countries.​


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