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It is the Age Of Heroes where stories of fame and glory are told across the vast lands of Powys. It seems as though these heroes' tales influence children to seek adventure, changing the very nature and culture of society. Growing up everyone expects to live one of these childhood stories and seek out glory of their own. However not all children’s tales are as glorious as they are bloody and soaked in sacrifice. Our story begins towards the end of this age with many beasts being slain, lands being united, losing the opportunity for anyone to be a hero. However the sense of glory and honour still lingers on the minds and mouths of many, continuing the century old tradition of telling tales of Heroes of old. In a cold misty valley between cascading mountains is perhaps where one last Heroic tale shall be told, a last Huzzah for the Annals of history, a spark in a dying fire, a farewell to the Age of Heroes. This is where we find our unlikely companions, on a winding dirt road with snow below their feet and nothing but what they carry on them to survive. Headed towards the town of Whispwind which lies just south of the bustling city of Cathoga, lights are faint in the distance and light the fog with a distant glow, one which when looked at fills the body with warmth and security, one which these adventures need right now. Travelling down the path they see trees dotting the base of the mountain with snow covering the evergreen leaves. As they make their way towards Whispwind they begin to remember parts of their past.